OK, So my lvl 5 account is doing well this season, was going to tank it but saw the competition and said I would strike while the iron is hot even though I need to use the year to build the players up to 4-5*.
Anyways, second in the league, one point out of 1st, but still in the CL....for now. Pulled off a troll result(well, at least to him, its a troll result!)
But here is my prize for winning this round vs Tommy #1 (if I tie or win next game...):
I realize I dont stand a snowball's chance in hell of winning the second series but if I can tie or win the next game, I at least get a 3rd place cup trophy in my cabinet.
I spend $500 on tokens and PT the hell out of my team just to beat this POS!
This guy is the ultimate knobend. Level 5 and has to spend 1000's of tokens just to win. This aspect of the game I hate. Very much.
EDIT: Why the hell are these idiots always naming themselves Galatsaray? Doesnt Turkey have any other teams besides Fenerbace? What about Gravy? or Stuffing? Wishbone?