By the way, my club is called God's Footballers. Challenges welcome.
By the way, my club is called God's Footballers. Challenges welcome.
I don't remember seeing any of his posts so I've no clue on who he is..
Btw,I didn't have any issues with your footer so you can keep it if you want...just that all the other members were quiet and only you were the one who was saying about him but didn't know it was for fun...
I've won 9 in a row now, so i believe that makes me a slightly better than big Club :P
in this season I've played 19 games and have won all 19
Italian Team, Season 18, Level 18
5 Time Treble Winners
(Season 3,12,14,15,17)
16 League Titles
Season 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17
11 Champions League TitlesSeason 2,3,4,5,6,7,10,12,14,15,17
8 Cup Titles
Season 1,3,9,11,12,14,15,17
my team showcase, here: TRIPLETE FC (Italian Team)
Ah I found this picture, I made it this morning, 8 games in row but we have more!
Now redsnoopy or whosoever he is will start worshipping u. Congrats anyways. See redsoopy or whoever u r, he has won 19 and is not faunting it by making a thread about it. This shows its no gr8 deal for him and aso proves he is a good mnager, unlike u.
Common guys, why r we still talking, the manger of the 'Big Club', our OP, is now banned. Wait till he makes another fake account so that he bores us with these useless threads again!!!!!
Saransh OUT!!!!!!!