Yes they do appear in your line-up and they will have a U21 icon when they arrive but you need to offer them a contract and it will tell you the price in T, The free one will say 0T and you can sign straight away assuming you have space in your squad for him, If you have 22 players in your team already, you will have to sell a player.
*Retired From Top Eleven*
So its back to paying again and real money, as even if I had got every token due to me by now, and not bought a single other player the chances of me having a spare 24 tokens is like zero, so can i sell them without offering a contract to them to get some reward for building the youth pitches?
And the other question has anyone ever paid the 24 tokens, provided the training and got a fantastic player who went on to become a great asset to their team? Or is it all a waste of time, stick with the auctions?
First nothing is free in this game except the free youth you sign for Zero tokens and sell immediately. Which brings me to a funny story: I kept my last Zero token youth in a lower account because he was better than my worst player on the team and that is the reason why I am tanking with that account.
Still, you usually always sell the Zero token youth for the $$$. Its free $$$.
It is rare that I will spend the 15T, or 24T for that matter, on a youth player since I have tons of 5* players on my transfer list now that I have tanked a few seasons. They are only worth it if you dont have the $$$ for one of the fast training 18yo on the list, which are expensive.
If you buy tokens, then it is worth it to buy only the 24T one that comes seldomly. Otherwise just pick out the 18yo most expensive player on the transfer list and buy him for less than 24T.
It comes down to this: If you dont have the money but have spare tokens, buy the youth(if you cant find the equivalent on the market). If you have the money but not enough tokens, which is the case with me in most of my accounts, then its an immediate release. If you buy tokens, then you should only buy the youth if he is 21/24T or you cant find an equivalent on the transfer market.
I hope that helps.
what Killerbee said is personal, and frankly, its nonsense. After 11 seasons for me, I could give a **** if someone else signs my youth. Why? Because for the people who usually sign them, they are 5* for them and I get money out of it. Good for them. Good for me.
If I dont want them, they can have them since they are useless to me. End of.
buying youth players that are fast trainers are good if you want to save tokens and plan on tanking a few seasons to let them build. this is only if you dont buy tokens. Otherwise, you would power train them to scout or higher.
That is the only advantage to buying youth over aged players, since they all play with the same skill no matter what age.
I would always wait with selling till near the end of the season so you raise the market value a lot more through training/matches. In general, if you're going to just sell the player, you would want to do so early on. There's no point in using that big amount of tokens for a player you want to sell if you'll sell him the next season because the bank investment will yield much higher funds in the next season than the current.
If they appear free on the market if you don't sign, I believe so. Others have stated this before and I've seen a bunch of 18 year old (F) before that led me to believe they were unsigned youths.
No no, you misunderstand me. I'm talking about the fact that Nordeus has created a system where the youth you train is not really your own youth. It's painful that you have to pay 24 tokens for your own youth, yet if you decide that is too much and don't sign him, there will be someone else on the transfer market who can sign him for (possibly) 1 token.
In the situation that you don't sign the player, you gain no funds or benefit for him at all even though your training facility used up all that 'time' to produce him. That's what I mean with my annoyment that someone else can get the player that I trained and brought from my youth for a low cost, and I have to pay out of my ears to sign him.
I get your point now. Bet even Cracicot will get it. It is frustrating the even after spending all the money and time on Youth Facility, u can't take advantage of or players. They should be free but who can make Nordeus understand that. But, on the brighter side, even we sign the youths of someone else's facility. So it gets evened out!!!!
I get your point now, yes, we should not have to pay to sign our own youth players at all. They should both be ZERO tokens, and when you release the expensive one, he goes on the transfer list and someone, in theory, can pick him up for one token when you had to pay 24T for him. yes I get that and agree with you.
At the end of the day, nordeus does this to make you waste your tokens. Everything in this game is built to do that. But some of them are fair and some are unfair. This is one of those unfair ones. Paying a token to change a name is also useless and unfair. Changing the time of a game so its not 15 mins after your first one is also unfair that it costs 2 tokens.
Remember this game is here to make money, not to make sense. If nordeus had people who knew more about business and gaming, they could change this for the better, but frankly, it looks like a lost cause. They are sucking the enjoyment out of the game at the cost of their greed. plain and simple.
What I meant is if they'd appear has (F) free on auction but Killerbee swears by it.
You're right, they need to come up with this way to make us use our tokens, just 24T is an awful lot. At most they should be a few T's so that we'd prefer to take this top player than be forced into a bidding war.
And true, if they are not good enough then let some have them... the $$$ you get from the free youth more than pays for the investment in building the academy (well at my 1st 2 upgrades at least)
Thanks, I'll remember that. And take this 15T spent as a 1st season lesson, and hopefully he plays ok in any 4 positions i play him in when needed
btw, if you're rarely using your Ts to buy your Youth player, are you solely using them for auctions?
Also, is spending 2T so you can watch a game worth it to improve your chances of winning the match?
Last edited by Zangy; 10-31-2013 at 02:35 PM.
Sorry the question was for Cracicot but I will like to state my opinion here as it is the same as that of Cracicot.
The answer is NO!!! Iats not much difference. Just play it. If u buy tokens, it may be fine. But if u play with 35 T budget, don't waste ur tokens there.
Thanks and sorry again for the out of turn answer.![]()
Last edited by Saransh Vatsa; 10-31-2013 at 04:40 PM.