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  • 1 Post By littledude072

Thread: Why none of my friends are on my server?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Why none of my friends are on my server?

    I joined Top eleven first, everyone else followed because i told them about it. NONE of them are on my server, i can't watch their games, they can't watch mine, we can't even be in the same league??

    Is there any way to fix this? I'm very disappointed.

  2. #2
    Dreamer duchao's Avatar
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    you should send questions about support
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  3. #3
    Pro littledude072's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    did you invite them to play via topeleven or did you recommend them play and they opened up the app themselves? if you had invited them via the app you guys wouldve had a much higher chance to be on the same server
    once you guys are on the different server its the end, you cant change servers and stuff. only way out is to either wait for your accounts to deactivate (a little over 2 months) or create anew
    Cat Harrison likes this.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by littledude072 View Post
    did you invite them to play via topeleven or did you recommend them play and they opened up the app themselves? if you had invited them via the app you guys wouldve had a much higher chance to be on the same server
    once you guys are on the different server its the end, you cant change servers and stuff. only way out is to either wait for your accounts to deactivate (a little over 2 months) or create anew
    I tried both methods and neither worked. I made a new account and invited via top11, and i still didn't end up in the same server. My brother has 4 of his friends on his server.

  5. #5
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
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    The invite should work, unless they had already started the game with that facebook, when you start it via the invite it puts you on the same server if you both are just starting. (and also assuming neither one of you have a bunch of fb friends already playing) They may not have clicked the link for the invite, but just started the game.
    Expressed above is my own opinion. Your results may vary.
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  6. #6
    Pro littledude072's Avatar
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    thats weird, i invited 8ish friends, 4 are on the same server (different league), 1 on another, 2 started on their own and the last piggy hasnt started yet
    even though you invited them via the app it doesnt mean youll get a 100% chance of you guys being on the same server. who knows, you probably had terrible luck
    either that or they probably started via someone elses invite, i smell jelly XD
    take my posts with a sack of salt
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    The inbeatable, indefeated, unvincible duet - Goonskies - Rags to Riches!
    kudos to cat

  7. #7
    Addicted Chester FC's Avatar
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    if you have not friends in game, you play probably on my server

  8. #8
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
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    But that's how the 35T league is created, via invite & starting at the same time and being friends. It *does* work. I was frankly amazed that it works, but that league wouldn't function else.
    Expressed above is my own opinion. Your results may vary.
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