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Thread: Profitable transfer strategy

  1. #11
    VIP spornybol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by DiZZee View Post
    I have young, 18 /19 yr olds who train fast, but rate 5 per game....

    Please advise if these are worth keeping or selling ?
    yes keep, i had the same and they were better the following season but if still 5 rating then get a new player and sell

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    North Carolina
    If you have a player who is a four star player and you plan to sell him, add skill points until he is one skill point from five stars. Then sell him. It makes him much more desirable since players a level below you will see him as a five star player about to become a scout. If you add the skill points to make him become a low five star player, the player is available to players on your level and above and isn't as desirable.
    Cat Harrison likes this.
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