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Thread: Can't stand 'Tankers' - its cheating and should be discouraged

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    First steps of Nordeus should be relegation from league and decreasing fans and money after relegation/stream of bad results. This is a biggest mistake. Why do not just tank for 10 seasons and later then demolish every opponent in every league?

  2. #62
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JanCz View Post
    Nordeus should just really deal with "Relegation from league" option. "More you lose, more you gain" is sick system. Also losses should be connected with decreased amount of fans, less money from home matches, sponsors, tokens, etc. As it is in real life, if you still lose, you can't be awarded for that.

    not agree. One tanks to be between the 8th and the 14th clasificated, so the 8th clasificated have to be relegated? ahhh and, you don't think in one "thing", a little BIG detail, and is that, if you are relegated, the last day of the season, you can buy "scouts" before to be relegated to a low league!!!

    so, all the players that think that tank is cheating, and teams have to be relegated... what are you thinking???? what do you use to think??? ...-.-''''' you know nothing of the game, you talk to talk, without knoweldage, because be relegated been the 8th will be a better option than be in the same level during another season, for the reason I mentioned,,, will be more easy win leagues if you can buy scouts from a +1 level league...
    and what will you do if relegation comes to the game like you suggest??? you will come here? to say, ohhh, I am level 8, and my league is full of relegated level 9 teams that are full of scouts of 7*....

    think first, be water my friend.
    HULIANO likes this.

  3. #63
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    so, not agree. and noobs that talk about relegation have to know what I've said, because I see thet here nobody is thinking that this can happen...
    HULIANO likes this.

  4. #64
    Dreamer HULIANO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tongly45 View Post
    we all know that token buyer and the one whose keep all his team at the end of season are disavantage.

    there ís noway that a token buyer can train his team more than 5Q a season. 5Q is great but it isn't unbeatable even you don't improve your team. if you are 35T team, 5Q is very easy that you can buy new player. in your case 20Q. i'm sorry, you are ruinning the game and the only thing you can proud here is you found a mistake in game engine. Nordeus need to fix it.
    Lol 5Q (I assumed you meant 5 stars here) isn't unbeatable, but if you face a cup of many 7-9 star teams every single season as I do with my main account, then it is nearly impossible to win the Cup with my 5 star team.

    As I said, I am somehow proud of the Cups that I've won without spending real money as other token-buying managers are trying to achieve also. It can be interpreted as the way you said "found a mistake in game engine" to achieve the same result. Ruining the game or not, it's not a big deal to me because I've already experienced losing to power-trained, token-buying higher-level teams so many times already.

    If I am ruining the game, then power-trained, token-buying teams are also ruining the game because both have the same implications that we all want a team that dominates our opponents by either exploiting the game loopholes or spending real money , creating an inherently unfair game. So for me I don't see any difference.

    The only way Nordeus can fix it and make it fair is to eliminate all the buying features with real money except for club kits and logo, and put all teams with the same level in all 3 competitions.

    Well, I will stop here no more post in this thread simply because you possess a very strong sense of justice and fairness in this game which I unfortunately do not have and so cannot share with you. Sorry for ruining the game, but just being optimistic, token-buying power-training managers and I (in this sub-account) are just creating a more challenging game for weaker teams as I am also experiencing myself in my main account.
    Last edited by HULIANO; 11-25-2013 at 12:56 AM. Reason: To make it fair
    khris likes this.

  5. #65
    Dreamer Marc Symons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JanCz View Post
    First steps of Nordeus should be relegation from league and decreasing fans and money after relegation/stream of bad results. This is a biggest mistake. Why do not just tank for 10 seasons and later then demolish every opponent in every league?
    Why do people continue to talk about relegation!?! - For the one thousandth time "It wouldn't work!".

  6. #66
    Join Date
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    Why don,t nordeus change the system ,fair play means fair play ,seems to me its the developers who have let eveyone down, Money,Money,Money.......!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    First off, tanking is not cheating as much as buying tokens is cheating. You cant be hypocritical and call one of them cheating and not both.

    Second, relegation would work = you gain a star just like you lose a star when you get promoted. Just like in the big leagues, when you get relegated you get the parachute payments that help to keep the higher paid players you signed for the top league = you go down and still have the better players = so it would work marc symons. I would like to hear why you say it wouldnt work. they have 100 people working for them apparently, they can make the programming and structure work. the problem is that people might get relegated to win the league they missed the season before. but again , how is that different from buying tokens to win a league? one situation is spending money to win a league (tokens) and the other is spending time.

    what grinds my gears are the ignorants screaming that tanking is cheating. they should be screaming that buying tokens is cheating. I recently learned what tanking is and will gladly do it next season to keep my guys strong. it is not cheating, it is usuing an advantage that is given to you. it costs you time and ingame money but at least you can compete with the token byers.

    huliano was right, stop allowing people to increase their players with tokens to make it fair. they wont do this for money reasons so until they do that, we need some way to compete better.
    HULIANO likes this.

  8. #68
    Dreamer Marc Symons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastaman70 View Post
    First off, tanking is not cheating as much as buying tokens is cheating. You cant be hypocritical and call one of them cheating and not both.

    Second, relegation would work = you gain a star just like you lose a star when you get promoted. Just like in the big leagues, when you get relegated you get the parachute payments that help to keep the higher paid players you signed for the top league = you go down and still have the better players = so it would work marc symons. I would like to hear why you say it wouldnt work. they have 100 people working for them apparently, they can make the programming and structure work. the problem is that people might get relegated to win the league they missed the season before. but again , how is that different from buying tokens to win a league? one situation is spending money to win a league (tokens) and the other is spending time.

    what grinds my gears are the ignorants screaming that tanking is cheating. they should be screaming that buying tokens is cheating. I recently learned what tanking is and will gladly do it next season to keep my guys strong. it is not cheating, it is usuing an advantage that is given to you. it costs you time and ingame money but at least you can compete with the token byers.

    huliano was right, stop allowing people to increase their players with tokens to make it fair. they wont do this for money reasons so until they do that, we need some way to compete better.
    HINT: Read back posts before posting - 80% of your 'rant' makes no sense. I shouldn't even waste my time responding to you but here it is one last time.

    Relegation: So you say that a team should GAIN a star when relegated?. If relegation was an option this is obviously how it would work, however losing a star does not change the quality of the team. It simply adjusts the star ranking according to the level upgrade. So if you were relegated you would lose a star yet your team would still be of the same quality. Therefore like i said earlier you could effectively have teams with 60 quality getting relegated over and over all the way down to a league/level where teams of 20 quality are playing. This is what would happen - people would intentionally get relegated in order to dominate leagues and it would be very unfair and off putting to lower ranked teams/newbies to be playing against teams they have no chance of beating.

    Tanking vs Tokens - Your statement about Token buying being as much 'cheating' as tankning is probably the most dumb thing i have read in my time at this forum. In fact i feel a little stupider after reading it. People may not like it but you NEED tokens to play this game and in REAL football there are teams with lots of money who can improve there squad to high levels, as there is also poorer teams that cannot afford to buy top players. The same counts in Top eleven, tere are players with lost of real money that buy tokens to improve there squad and there are players that cant afford or simply choose not to buy tokens. (See the resemblance there)
    Tanking on the other hand is a player intentionally losing/throwing matches in order to rig competition draws and have a better chance of winning the next year. In REAL football if a team was to tank (Intentionally lose matches/throw matches) it WOULD be cheating and would result in major fines and even a team being thrown out of the league. (See the resemblance there)

    Therefore token buying is obviously not cheating - It is a feature programmed into the game by the developers.

    Tanking is cheating and apart from it being cheating it is unethical as Top Eleven is all about competition and who wants to play against teams that throw matches? Tankers are also known to tank in order to get easier cup draws. Your argument is flawed.
    ppturano, festinator and TypTex like this.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by rastaman70 View Post
    First off, tanking is not cheating as much as buying tokens is cheating. You cant be hypocritical and call one of them cheating and not both.

    what grinds my gears are the ignorants screaming that tanking is cheating.
    I can


    Tanking is a form of game manipulation, it distorts leagues and makes the game unfair for other players. Other players who play fairly, play to win. Tankers get to pick and choose the games they try and win and the games they try and lose. It is simple game manipulation which is cheating.
    But that's not what bothers me.

    Tankers play the game to lose. That makes them losers. Being a loser is sad. Losing makes tankers teams useless. The phrase I use is sad, useless tankers.

    Tankers are cheating themselves and their team, depriving themselves of a great victory or an underdog triumph.
    Playing to lose is wrong, sad and wrong, sad, wrong and no fun.
    Where is the fun in losing?
    (Unless tankers get their fun from manipulating match results, picking games to win and lose.... which of course is cheating).

    Tankers are cheating themselves with a loser mentality .... It is not healthy.

    Play every game to win. If you lose, you lose. If you finish 2nd (or lower), you are not a **** (as suggested in another thread by a tanker). you are second best, and beaten by a better team. Take it, don't be a tanker, but try to do something about it.
    Try to come back next season stronger and be the winner.
    But that's not what bothers me.

    What bothers me is that I've come here to win, I've come here to beat other teams, and I will do all I can to get a victory.
    But I don't want to be playing some weak, scared little tanker opponent. Where's the fun in beating some chicken **** loser?
    There is no fun in that at all, it's too one-sided when your opponent is too scared to try and win.
    This is what bothers me.
    I want my opponent to be trying to beat me, as hard as I'm trying to beat them. That's what's it's about.

    Grinding gears? Only gears tankers have are reverse, used to see how quick they can lose their way down the league tables.
    When you find forward moving gears, gears that take you higher, that's when I might start to worry about grinding them.

    I have no opinion of token buyers.
    Last edited by Cat Harrison; 12-05-2013 at 09:49 AM.

  10. #70
    Dreamer Marc Symons's Avatar
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    Great post TypTex - Remember (Off topic) the weekley forum competition league tables are up and the new fixtures have been posted

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