Originally Posted by
@tongly -
Last season I was level 9.
When I went to buy scouts they were between 66-69 in quality. Of course, through the season they will improve. The scouts I picked up who were 68 or 69 last season are now 71 quality in my team.
The scouts that were 66 or 67 quality are now pushing 69 quality - the same that are now 5 star players at level 10.
On the scout lists you only get 3 or 4 players under the age of 23 if you are lucky - so you have to then hope one of them is close to the 7 star level to make them worthwhile.
I'd rather spend 3 or 4 tokens and get a level ten 5 star player who is 69 quality, with only a training point or two off being 6 star at 19 year old compared to paying 50 tokens for a 26 year old player who is 73 quality.
The scout players are better quality to start with but in my experience train slower than younger players, cost more Tokens and when you compare them to players that are available after the next promotion, in my opinion, aren't worth it.
Of the 9 scout players I bought last year 6 of them are in my strongest 11. That's not bad, but those 6 players cost me 300 Tokens. The other 5 players in my strongest 11 I bought today for 12 Tokens.
Next season I can either spend 50 Tokens per scout to get really really good players, or spend 40 Tokens and get 10 or 11 five star players who are just short of being 6 star players who are younger and better trainers. To me the second option is better value.
I believe with a team full of 5 star players I can comfortably get promoted and be in the Champions League year after year. Scouts may help me win more leagues and cups - but that's just a may help, not a guarantee that they will. I'd rather use 40 Tokens and challenge for the title with a couple of similarly talented squads than spend real money to buy hundreds of Tokens (or use hundreds of Tokens I've farmed) to give myself a better chance of the title - but again with no guarantee.