I finished level 1 and start 2.
During training, when i increase player's usability - theirs value $ - decrease. Why? Normally in season 1 - player's value growth after increase their points of usability.
I finished level 1 and start 2.
During training, when i increase player's usability - theirs value $ - decrease. Why? Normally in season 1 - player's value growth after increase their points of usability.
Because now he is one year older (every season is a year and every day is a week). So when a player gets older he loses some of his value.
a game day is 2 weeks
and yeah every year they get older/become a slower trainer = lower potential
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probably because he gains a lot of experience from a higher levelled training ground and whatnot, so his potential may actually be rising from what tranny experts thought
value decreases a lot once a player goes past 25ish
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The inbeatable, indefeated, unvincible duet - Goonskies - Rags to Riches!
kudos to cat
The decrease of value depends of the age and of the speed of training.
For exemple 2 players with same age, the faster trainer will lose more value.
Player After 31 stop loosing value except from 33 to 34.
each season, Your players will old 1 year, Such growth index will reduced, ok???
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