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Thread: I hate playing against bots, tankers n inactive players!!!

  1. #11
    Dreamer Marc Symons's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Its dog-s**t. Although un-manned teams need to be fairly competitive as it would be boring, I still think the game engine's way of controlling these teams can be unfair. Un-manned teams would consist of players with low moral and fitness levels yet they still seem to win. Bots vs bots is one thing but when I have a team 3 times better than my un-manned opponent to start with and then he is set up like this I hate playing against bots, tankers n inactive players!!!-untitled.jpg Then i see he has won his last 5 games in a row and is second in the league, I realise we now have a problem. I know that although his on-field team is incomplete that his team will automatically be fielded, but i don't understand how unmanned teams set up like this could actually win. This furthers my theory that moral boosters and fitness regenerators are all for show and have no real effect on team performance. In-fact i wouldn't be surprised if all boosters (excluding injury boosters) along with special abilities are all just for show. They shouldn't be but there is too much evidence of how teams not using boosters still perform. I mean my girlfriends team won the league and champions league in seasons 2 and 3 without her doing anything other than signing in now and again to collect tokens. I also see there was another update yesterday that was just as pointless as the other ones - and they actually say on the update "If you have any ideal of how to improve the game please feel free to contact us" Ha! good one. Like you listen anyway!
    aiureah likes this.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    To be fair to the game creators, my well drilled and well assembled club has been winning game after game, bot or no bot. The other clubs in my league has been performing poorly, some of them are bots and some of them are obviously poorly managed

    Quote Originally Posted by Marc Symons View Post
    Its dog-s**t. Although un-manned teams need to be fairly competitive as it would be boring, I still think the game engine's way of controlling these teams can be unfair. Un-manned teams would consist of players with low moral and fitness levels yet they still seem to win. Bots vs bots is one thing but when I have a team 3 times better than my un-manned opponent to start with and then he is set up like this Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Untitled.jpg 
Views:	9 
Size:	55.9 KB 
ID:	15490 Then i see he has won his last 5 games in a row and is second in the league, I realise we now have a problem. I know that although his on-field team is incomplete that his team will automatically be fielded, but i don't understand how unmanned teams set up like this could actually win. This furthers my theory that moral boosters and fitness regenerators are all for show and have no real effect on team performance. In-fact i wouldn't be surprised if all boosters (excluding injury boosters) along with special abilities are all just for show. They shouldn't be but there is too much evidence of how teams not using boosters still perform. I mean my girlfriends team won the league and champions league in seasons 2 and 3 without her doing anything other than signing in now and again to collect tokens. I also see there was another update yesterday that was just as pointless as the other ones - and they actually say on the update "If you have any ideal of how to improve the game please feel free to contact us" Ha! good one. Like you listen anyway!

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