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Thread: 'new year resolution for the game'

  1. #11
    VIP July Fourth's Avatar
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    I'm going to stop buying tokens on a large scale for certain, May even not purchase again until I start to see some improvements/updates/bug fixes in the game. Unless there is another bumper off like that X2 one a few months ago, I'll probably won't buy.
    *Retired From Top Eleven*

  2. #12
    4am is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by July Fourth View Post
    I'm going to stop buying tokens on a large scale for certain.
    Good for you, J4. Go and spend your hard-earned on something more worthwhile.

  3. #13
    Champion Saransh Vatsa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by July Fourth View Post
    I'm going to stop buying tokens on a large scale for certain, May even not purchase again until I start to see some improvements/updates/bug fixes in the game. Unless there is another bumper off like that X2 one a few months ago, I'll probably won't buy.
    That is great news!!!! We need to make Nord realise that their continuous inflow of cash can't go on forever and they way they are managing the game, people will start to stop buying tokens...

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  4. #14
    Pro littledude072's Avatar
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    mines are the same old same old. buy better players, land a treble (unpossible for both teams ATM), trying to conquer the world, ah the good stuffs

    main things for sure though, buy better youngens and fully rename the team. ive got so many names in mind that id probably LOL AND get pissed at a troll result at the same time, something unheard of on the forums right?
    take my posts with a sack of salt
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  5. #15
    Addicted BigB79's Avatar
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    To hang about in the hope that Nordeus get their act together (No laughing at the back please). I've pretty much lost interest in my team because I get the feeling nothing we do seems to have much influence.

    I gave up buying tokens a couple of months ago and won't be buying anymore again, I can't even be arsed farming tokens anymore until big changes are made.
    Last edited by BigB79; 01-02-2014 at 11:43 AM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    It is really easy to get disillusioned with this game ,there are so many weird things that happen ,that can cost you dear,so my new years resolution is for the developers, make a list of all obvious and genuine concerns and work your way through it ,hopefully improving our game and stopping some of the cheating and injustices that go on within the game ,I spend hard earned cash on this game and I expect to be treated fairly and see some improvements,Happy new year to everybody .

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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