Could someone explain the old transfer market? i signed up this month
Could someone explain the old transfer market? i signed up this month
the old market we had around 120 player from 3 to 5 star`s that went up between 1hr and 3hrs plus it was easier to sell player`s
with the new market we get 20 to 25 player`s on list between 30 and 40 minutes and player`s are useless with hardly anyone bidding and virtually impossible to sell, i placed a player on market 14 times and still could not sell him
I guess im in the old market then? because its exactly they way you describe
Great that it's getting addressed. Hope it works better this time around!
And a very Important difference: in the old transfer market, when you sold a 3 * or 4 * player, he could be bought by a lower level Manager. In new TM, he is ONLY offered to managers with your same level, that's why it is so difficult to sell. Very few managers are interested in 4 or 3 * players...
Last edited by Cholo Simeone; 02-15-2014 at 12:20 PM.
most likely we wont see the old market again, but a different version of the new one
will be a midway of new and old but will be more like the new one .. or they have a Plan B to keep players spend more T![]()
Dont get excided till when you see the final result bcuz its all on theire hands
a comapany never admit and underline his mistakes... and you think Nordeus will?? Nordeus??
well, curious to see how will be new transfers market v2...