How can i post a new thread?
How can i post a new thread?
go up this page, were you can read:
Home-Forum - Top Eleven English Forum-Top Eleven General Discussion -Season 50 (09.02.14/2.03.14) - Week 3
and click on Top eleven General Discussion,
and the place that now say: +Reply to Thread,
you will see: +Create a new thread
PS:sorry +Post new thread
that say))
We lost 1-0 agaisnt Barcelona FC
We are now 4th overall.
LEPOARD STARS FC-Honour, Fight,Conquer
Season 1
-Didnt get promoted
Season 2
1st place
Season 3
1st Place+Quarter Finals Cup+Semi Finals Champions League
Season 4
3rd place league. CL Semis and Cup R16
Season 5
Erm...5th in league?
Group stage of CL
Season 6
Quarter finals in Cup
5th in league
Matías Valletta is the first player to enter for the sixth consecutive time in the prestigious
"nine stars club" of TRIPLETE FC Hall of Fame
Matías Valletta is the best soccer player of all time in the TRIPLETE FC
(9 stars club)
Season 3 Level 3:
- Valdo Santos Jr Rivaldinho (Brazilian) 19 ST one on one scorer Q 51 9 stars
- Kevin Santambrogio (Italian) 19 AMC/ST one on one scorer Q 50 9 stars
Season 7 Level 7:
- Karl Heinz Micu (German) 20 AML/AMR/ST shadow striker Q 70 9 stars
- Sebastian Henn (German) 20 DC/DR free kick specialist Q 70 9 stars
- Alexandre José Moreira (Brazilian) 20 GK one on one stopper Q 70 9 stars
Season 9 Level 9:
- Matías Valletta (Argentine) 18 AMC/ST free kick specialist Q 80 9 stars
Season 10 Level 10:
- Matías Valletta (Argentine) 19 AMC/ST free kick specialist Q 86 9 stars
- José Lopez (Chilean) 18 ST one on one scorer Q 86 9 stars
- Alexandre José Moreira (Brazilian) 23 GK one on one stopper Q 85 9 stars
Season 11 Level 11
- Matías Valletta (Argentine) 20 AMC/ST free kick specialist Q 91 9 stars
- José Lopez (Chilean) 19 ST one on one scorer Q 91 9 stars
Season 12 Level 12
- Matías Valletta (Argentine) 21 AMC/ST free kick specialist Q 99 9 stars
- Alexandre José Moreira (Brazilian) 25 GK one on one stopper Q 95 9 stars
Season 13 Level 13
- Matías Valletta (Argentine) 22 AMC/ST free kick specialist Q 101 9 stars
Season 14 Level 14
- Matías Valletta (Argentine) 23 AMC/ST free kick specialist Q 105 9 stars
Italian Team, Season 18, Level 18
5 Time Treble Winners
(Season 3,12,14,15,17)
16 League Titles
Season 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17
11 Champions League TitlesSeason 2,3,4,5,6,7,10,12,14,15,17
8 Cup Titles
Season 1,3,9,11,12,14,15,17
my team showcase, here: TRIPLETE FC (Italian Team)
How close is Valetta to Chano Petersen or Stacey Papeleo??? In terms of goal scoring??
Should Kaka' have been selected for Brazil's WC squad?
Tell us ur opinion-
P.S.S The person in my avatar is NOT me! He is the God of Cricket, Sachin Tendulkar.
Ok, I won 1-0 the 2nd.
the 3rd won and now is 2nd.
and the 1st had a defeat for 2-1 against the 11th.
Do you want more?
so, the 1st is 1st because is the only that won me.
Last edited by khris; 03-01-2014 at 08:16 PM.
Almost out CL because draw 2-2 at home. Then at match away, I score first but he score, but we score later so we win 2-1. Thanks god. He play 3-2-2-2-1 (DL DC DR-DMC DMC-MC MC-AMC AMC -ST). Never see this formation before. He play this formation and get really good.
Hi Cat and July Fouth, can I have your fb so I can add and see your team?