FCBayern won 0-6, very good match against a friend team that usually is complicated, but, without assist, and with the 15% possesion that she had, ...we won. of Hesselink and the GK Songo'o are 1st 2nd in the Top rated.
Now I'm looking that I did very, very well buying the young MC Nøstbakken (for 8 tokens :P )as I was thinking is a very good player, for 50 millions is the 2nd with more value, in our team. The 1st is Zé Roberto. Too yesterday I saw another player of age 18, of 50 millions, and french, but... the bidding was at 4:00 am... or + late so, no possible assist.
I'm looking for a good ST for now.
Here the 0-6, tomorrow, match against the last so, I hope that, I will tank, and be 1st in all the Top's^^