The most ridiculous thing in Top Eleven is that goalkeepers have the same skill categories as outfield players. This is stupid. Period.
Spending skill points on dribbling, finishing, crossing etc on a keeper is stupid and I'm surprised more people don't find it dumb.
Ever lost a game to a lower rated team that fielded 3 GKs in the outfield? I have. I know others have, just search the forum, it pisses people off, not because they lose, but because it is completely ridiculous. So Nordeus you would have us believe that if Fulham showed up at Anfield with 3 GKs in the outfield that they could beat them?
If GKs were given their own skill categories (like they have in virtually every other football management game) and then given a base of 0-3 in outfield categories or none at all, then Nordeus could solve 2 problems at once. No longer could an abandoned team with a GKs as a MR, a ST and a LB beat a team with all outfield players in the outfield.
The way they have it setup is that there is no more of a penalty for playing a GK as a ST than there is for playing an AMC as a ST.
If you want this changed in the next update, then comment or bumo this thread, if we can make this thread popular then maybe they will pay attention and then we can have keepers with skill categories like punching, reflexes, command of area, aerial ability, diving, penalties etc.