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Thread: Skill Gain Comparison for 18 year olds

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Skill Gain Comparison for 18 year olds

    I did a skill gain comparison for my 5 x 18 yo players

    All 5 started in the team this season...or they wouldnt be 18... right!

    4 were bought and 1 was from Academy
    All 5 were at 70-74% Health and underwent Cardio training

    Position Quality Matches played Skill Gain

    GK 35 11 +6
    ST 32 7 +6
    ML 37 4 +14
    DMC 33 7 +29
    DL/DML 34 24 +46......Academy player

    I am right in saying that academy players gain skill quickly, because they have been with the club for years and
    Is it right that GK and ST 18 year olds are hard to train, as they are 'too young' to learn quickly in that position.

    BTW my reserve GK has Quality 31 and 3 years experience and gains +55 for a cardio session....he is rapidly catching the 18 year old

  2. #2
    VIP dv8r's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Redscouse View Post
    I did a skill gain comparison for my 5 x 18 yo players

    All 5 started in the team this season...or they wouldnt be 18... right!

    4 were bought and 1 was from Academy
    All 5 were at 70-74% Health and underwent Cardio training

    Position Quality Matches played Skill Gain

    GK 35 11 +6
    ST 32 7 +6
    ML 37 4 +14
    DMC 33 7 +29
    DL/DML 34 24 +46......Academy player

    I am right in saying that academy players gain skill quickly, because they have been with the club for years and
    Is it right that GK and ST 18 year olds are hard to train, as they are 'too young' to learn quickly in that position.

    BTW my reserve GK has Quality 31 and 3 years experience and gains +55 for a cardio session....he is rapidly catching the 18 year old
    Different players train at different speeds and this is the same for 18 year olds. There are 18 year olds who train very slowly and are harder to improve and there are 18 year olds who are super fast trainers but you just need to look at their price and it tells you everything. I don't think position has any effect, it just depends on the player itself.

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  3. #3
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Not always age is couting, sometimes older players are growing faster then this youngers. Yes you are right academy players are the best by far .

    A easy way to see who will grow faster is to look on their price, if they are expensive they will develop much faster
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    But do they improve quicker as they mature....until they get to say 23/24/25 ...then they start to slow again

    will my 18 year old GK start to train quicker as he gains experience (matches) and gets older..

  5. #5
    VIP dv8r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redscouse View Post
    But do they improve quicker as they mature....until they get to say 23/24/25 ...then they start to slow again

    will my 18 year old GK start to train quicker as he gains experience (matches) and gets older..
    Nope, some players are just slow trainers all round, they will be even slower when they get older. I had a 19 year old who I thought was a good trainer but he wasn't, so slow and the season after he was a bit slower so I got rid

    Season 15 - Level 15

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    OK thanks ...i'll do another comparison at the start of next season just to check how these things work but i might have to get rid of the GK and ST