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Thread: Is there any way to tell if a player on the transfer market will train well?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Is there any way to tell if a player on the transfer market will train well?

    I assumed it was whether he had a high market value for his quality, position or special ability. But that doesn't seem like the case based on my last couple of team additions.

    Is there anything you can see in a transfer players stats, skills, etc to determine if he will train well? I know age is a big one, but what else?

    On another there anyway to get players to train better?

  2. #2
    Pro Celtic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    The more expensive the faster they'll train. And no, this factor can't be changed.

  3. #3
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Players train like they are proggrammed to train by default.
    Youngers of 18 to 22 are the faster trainers, and academy players of 4* , and Nordgens obtained from Bot teams when the new nordeus days start, are very, very very good trainers and players (I've 2 now)

    Too my form to compare players to see if train fast, in the market, is to see the Value, and Wage of the player.
    If Value is x20, (in level 12) times the wage = good trainer, because the training increases the value, but not the wage.
    In level 1... the differance is higher, coz are salaries of 5k and values of 1Million... so, that's to compare players between the level 1 to near 20.
    In the level 20 or near, and levels under (21,22,55....) players have a max. of value, because this game have a maxium of Budget of 2.43Billions, so... the max. value is 110M or so.... and if the Value is not increased with training you can not compare with my method.

    Too go to the group link of my signature if u want to be the member 60 of the O.M.A.