ADMIN: If everybody insists on moaning about so called 'troll results' can't you just make a sticky thread titled 'post troll results here'?
I understand when people get pissed about losing 5-0 against a bot that is 10 quality worse off. Thats fine. It annoys me when people write about 'troll results' when they draw or lose 1/2-0 against weaker opponents. The game needs this otherwise it wouldn't work. If the best team won every game then non-token buyers and lower ranked teams would give up straight away. They would see that there teams of better quality and just give up. You need these results to keep the game interesting SIMPLE!
As for tanking after 1 or 2 troll results, my answer to that is YOU SUCK!! play the game as it should be played. Embrace the challenge of being 7th and having to claw points back, as thats the fun and the whole point of football. Unless your English or a regular watcher of the English Premier league i guess you will never understand or feel the excitement of lower teams creeping up and taking last minute positions away from favourites.