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If you think you know what you are talking about why dont you ask Nordeus for them to allow you to write their instruction booklet on the game? If you didnt write it, or dont have access to one, then you dont know anything real and all you know is what you think is correct, and possibly not true. All you know about is what works for you. It would be ignorant and arrogant, and wrong for that matter, for you to say that everyone you help always wins, because you dont have access to in instruction booklet on how this game really works.
HOW HARD IS THAT TO UNDERSTAND? <-- you seem emotional yourself
I dont care what you wrote before. all I am saying is to not come across and knowing stuff you cant possible know as being 100%. You act as if you know. You only know what works for you most of the time, not all the time. In 8 seasons you won, did you go 26-0-0 and win both the CL and Cup? No, I didnt think so. That means you lose and can be wrong and zonal is not the best for most formations.
Here is part of your quote that has caused all this: "Zonal is best for most formations". HOW CAN YOU KNOW THIS? there we go again sully... I have used man-to-man frequently and won just as many as I have won with Zonal, yet you say Zonal is the best for most formations. So please tell me how you reached your conclusions on why zonal is the best for most formations?
And please, typing in CAPS doesnt make your argument more powerful or more right, it just shows that you let your emotions take hold and logic goes out the window. It becomes hard to take someone seriously when they do that.