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Thread: Should they stay or Should they go now?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Should they stay or Should they go now?

    I have two players that are great players, but I only have room for one. I wanted to put this to the group and see which one you would part with. One has proven success, and the other have a lot of growth potential and has been playing in great form lately.

    This guy, Bernhalter:

    And Paresoto:

    Bernhalter is up for contract renegotiation and is asking for a one time deal of 172.000 and a season wage of 72.000! That will make him slow trainer. He has a lot of value at 1.72M

    Then there is the youngster who I picked up on free agency Paresoto. He is worth 2.2M and sits at 3* Quality 24. I just gave him a skill hoping to make him more marketable, but then I thought, I should keep him, with 2 years left, and his season wage is 2.2k so he is an extremely fast trainer!

    I only need one. Which would you keep?

  2. #2
    Famous RJSlow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Wisconsin, USA
    It depends if the fast trainer would get any playing time. If he would then I would play him because he would be a better investment long term

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    They both get playing time. I have another Striker that would be on rotation

  4. #4
    Famous Qambu Yaasi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Then get rid of the Striker. Why get rid of your starters?
    Go Leo L24 Farmer ---

    Very Athletic L20 (Semi-Retired) --- Real Messy L16 (Retired) --- Athletic Kuching L17 --- Los Galaxy L14 28T

  5. #5
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    It depends on a lot more than the info you have provided. My first step would be to assess the importance of the older one to the team - is he the team's free-kick taker, does he score a lot from them. If he's important then the question is how easy will it be to at least replicate that importance with the new guy. etc etc

    Personally (and I'll assume negligible token cost), I'd sell the new guy, since he was a free agent its money for nothing and you'll forget about him easily once the next hotshot (my meaning) comes along.

    Such a difficult question tho' - maybe I should just say - the string is this long *holds up arms*