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Thread: For 18 Season I've been unlucky in CUP tournament !!!

  1. #21
    Dreamer HULIANO's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Los Angeles, California, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by TheNameIsYan View Post
    hurm.. good question..
    because everytime i use this method, i never yet try to keep 14 player.. i always keep my 1st 11 or at least 7 of my favourite player.. and for all the remaining slot, i changed it to 3* star player.. because from what i think and from my experienced, the lower the better..

    *Sorry for my bad english

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    Keeping around 7 good players is a good strategy. You don't want to be unable to acquire players on the market while your first Cup match is 2-4 hours from the new season reset.
    TheNameIsYan likes this.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by HULIANO View Post
    No it's not the "average quality" stat on the team comparison page. It's the average quality of your best 14 players.
    My top 14 players average out at just over 77. They are all 6, 7 or 8* players. I have 5 players who are 1 and 2 * and my overall average is 69.2. So there's no advantage whatsoever holding onto these 5 crap players?

  3. #23
    Dreamer HULIANO's Avatar
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    Los Angeles, California, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by gogs67 View Post
    My top 14 players average out at just over 77. They are all 6, 7 or 8* players. I have 5 players who are 1 and 2 * and my overall average is 69.2. So there's no advantage whatsoever holding onto these 5 crap players?
    No! You will be matched with team of quality 75-79 in the Cup next season. Unless you sell 5 of your top players and have those 5 crap players in replacement for the 14-player team, those 1* and 2* are worthless ....

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    the netherlands
    Well i had the best team in cl and i kicked out just won 1 match or 2, the cup i was out. then my start in competition was dramatic and was losing, but at the end i changed my formation and won everything lol. Ended up first.

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