Hybrid View

PricopGeorgeCătălin Season 37 02-09-2013,
09:35 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I will be level 10, I hope I... 02-09-2013,
09:41 PM

Pojacanje 1st in league level 6,
-... 02-09-2013,
09:46 PM

NTNK Zavisi...
send me PM if... 02-09-2013,
10:01 PM

NTNK Ahahahahahahaha...I'm... 02-09-2013,
10:12 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 500 tokens ready for the new... 02-09-2013,
10:20 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I just sold my last player... 02-09-2013,
10:52 PM

July Fourth Whats happened here??? Youve... 02-09-2013,
11:02 PM

Spyros CANT WAIT TO GO SHOPPING... 02-09-2013,
11:22 PM

dv8r Is anyone here up for a... 02-09-2013,
11:29 PM

Jasper949 You guys sound really hard... 02-09-2013,
11:34 PM

July Fourth I'm waiting here patently for... 02-10-2013,
12:00 AM

July Fourth Level 15
$700 million (will... 02-10-2013,
12:06 AM

July Fourth I think I need to introduced... 02-10-2013,
12:20 AM

July Fourth We are opening up our doors... 02-10-2013,
01:00 AM

July Fourth Thats my signature changed... 02-10-2013,
01:43 AM

dalaur For this new season,
I've... 02-10-2013,
01:55 AM

July Fourth Thats it - Server Maintenance... 02-10-2013,
02:01 AM

July Fourth Anybodys server back up yet? 02-10-2013,
03:40 AM

Nampion Chancy Nop..... Waiting for good... 02-10-2013,
03:49 AM

eninefx This season, I will be... 02-10-2013,
04:02 AM

paoki023 here its 6.12 am the past 3... 02-10-2013,
04:14 AM

July Fourth 4.15 am and its still in... 02-10-2013,
04:15 AM

xanty2013 same here :( 02-10-2013,
04:17 AM

July Fourth Once it re-opens I will edit... 02-10-2013,
04:19 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Server is still down :) I... 02-10-2013,
04:41 AM

paoki023 till 3 seasons ago they did... 02-10-2013,
04:45 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I was thinking it will be at... 02-10-2013,
04:49 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Server is on! 6:50 02-10-2013,
04:54 AM

July Fourth Solomon Blais is transfer... 02-10-2013,
04:56 AM

July Fourth can't believe it like... no... 02-10-2013,
05:13 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin The battle for the first... 02-10-2013,
05:25 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Nice player :) 02-10-2013,
05:28 AM

July Fourth All these generated players... 02-10-2013,
05:33 AM

July Fourth All the generated Strikers... 02-10-2013,
05:54 AM

July Fourth LOL...
... 02-10-2013,
06:11 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Just 100M left... aaaaaaaaaa 02-10-2013,
06:19 AM

July Fourth Lets stick to the rules...
... 02-10-2013,
06:29 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 1887
First transfer this... 02-10-2013,
06:33 AM

July Fourth Let's sign Ivor Hardy... :D 02-10-2013,
06:53 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I'm so stupid really..... I... 02-10-2013,
07:26 AM

Adel Gamal I'll be / I'm now level 13.
... 02-10-2013,
07:34 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 1890
3rd transfer :) 02-10-2013,
07:46 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Adel, yes I am very lucky man... 02-10-2013,
08:02 AM

fsilva1989 Hi everyone,
Fc Porto
2nd... 02-10-2013,
08:16 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Some old transfer from FC... 02-10-2013,
08:30 AM

Pojacanje Cross finger So I sell all... 02-10-2013,
08:59 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin & Cătălin just left the club... 02-10-2013,
09:05 AM

July Fourth Shall we sign Misanka? 02-10-2013,
09:11 AM

dv8r Perfect Tactics have... 02-10-2013,
09:23 AM

walney Found it!!! 02-10-2013,
09:29 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin oh :))
press print screen... 02-10-2013,
09:32 AM

July Fourth http://i48.tinypic.com/jp98ab.... 02-10-2013,
09:34 AM

walney nope cant do it? 02-10-2013,
09:41 AM

walney really cant can u do like... 02-10-2013,
09:42 AM

walney yes on paint 02-10-2013,
09:45 AM

dv8r Playing against level 3... 02-10-2013,
09:46 AM

July Fourth I'm playing Level 2 - Some... 02-10-2013,
09:53 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 1894
no comment :D 02-10-2013,
09:56 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Please tell me I didn't did... 02-10-2013,
10:08 AM

paulbonnick0504 Still level 19
35 tokens... 02-10-2013,
10:41 AM

paulbonnick0504 1st day of the season and I'm... 02-10-2013,
10:46 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I fixed my buget, I need to... 02-10-2013,
10:57 AM

July Fourth Cup will be tough for me... 02-10-2013,
10:58 AM

Accyrover Not one f***ing 5* has hit... 02-10-2013,
11:04 AM

July Fourth http://i49.tinypic.com/rubati.... 02-10-2013,
11:20 AM

paulbonnick0504 just been through the... 02-10-2013,
11:21 AM

Accyrover Highest 37 quality.
... 02-10-2013,
11:25 AM

July Fourth Accyrover, Just thought of a... 02-10-2013,
11:31 AM

paulbonnick0504 all this for 21 tokens now i... 02-10-2013,
11:40 AM

paulbonnick0504 I really hope someone buys my... 02-10-2013,
11:53 AM

Benlee4u It's crazy out there on my... 02-10-2013,
11:56 AM

July Fourth Here we go... There's a few... 02-10-2013,
12:37 PM

BamBestClub Level 20,0 tokens,30 M,a... 02-10-2013,
12:43 PM

BamBestClub The cup semifinalists-level... 02-10-2013,
12:48 PM

BamBestClub I can't remove a guy from... 02-10-2013,
12:50 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Cmon, you can beat him :) 02-10-2013,
01:19 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I will see how I will stay... 02-10-2013,
01:23 PM

July Fourth This time next season I will... 02-10-2013,
01:30 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I just removed win bonus :)... 02-10-2013,
01:46 PM

Lukasj123 Hey guys, won the league,... 02-10-2013,
01:54 PM

Pojacanje Got 2 offers for skill 44,... 02-10-2013,
01:59 PM

Lukasj123 Thanks guys, shame it´s like... 02-10-2013,
02:06 PM

Playsmartpeople 3 transfer with 17 tokens... 02-10-2013,
02:07 PM

July Fourth Right, Game in 5 mins...
... 02-10-2013,
02:48 PM

Accyrover No vids on FB at all today.... 02-10-2013,
03:09 PM

July Fourth Lebonese Team 0-9 July Fourth... 02-10-2013,
03:13 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Nothing good on the transfer... 02-10-2013,
03:25 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Yes Kyroshill, free agent... 02-10-2013,
04:23 PM

Ro Edu Lv. 6
285 tokens
... 02-10-2013,
04:32 PM

Bebchu I am very pleased with my... 02-10-2013,
04:38 PM

Kyroshill So.... speaking of the... 02-10-2013,
05:09 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Damn, its 7:30 and there is... 02-10-2013,
05:29 PM

Kyroshill Well that was a learning... 02-10-2013,
05:56 PM

Accyrover If he can't sign send a... 02-10-2013,
06:08 PM

Bebchu Finally i got my AML !
1940 02-10-2013,
06:31 PM

Kyroshill Barely survived first Cup... 02-10-2013,
06:45 PM

reallaw My Cup Match starts in 10... 02-10-2013,
07:04 PM

reallaw Here's the screenshot ^^
... 02-10-2013,
07:35 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin My game will start in few... 02-10-2013,
08:07 PM

Accyrover The latest victim of our... 02-10-2013,
09:11 PM

dv8r Played Accyrover in a... 02-10-2013,
09:56 PM

gkassimis right now there is a 23 yo... 02-10-2013,
10:18 PM

gkassimis what a bargain. he was sold... 02-10-2013,
10:44 PM

Mar Wie Why are people not bidding... 02-11-2013,
12:11 AM

Playsmartpeople 1968
u la la na na na na u... 02-11-2013,
12:50 AM

July Fourth Training underway at July... 02-11-2013,
01:33 AM

Nampion Chancy No more whiskey before... 02-11-2013,
03:23 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Damn from yesterday morning,... 02-11-2013,
08:03 AM

llamaz Last Season
Dalby United... 02-11-2013,
08:30 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Great when I saw a good... 02-11-2013,
10:31 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Damn still nothing good for... 02-11-2013,
11:52 AM

July Fourth July Fourth 5-0 Lebonese Team... 02-11-2013,
12:07 PM

Kyroshill On to the next cup round....... 02-11-2013,
12:59 PM

July Fourth http://i45.tinypic.com/66dqba.... 02-11-2013,
01:38 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin There is nothing wrong with... 02-11-2013,
02:23 PM

July Fourth It's also possible that the... 02-11-2013,
02:34 PM

Csaszar Alexandru 7-0 in cup yesterday and 15-0... 02-11-2013,
04:43 PM

reallaw Wasn't able to be online... 02-11-2013,
04:47 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Just 7-0 in CUP :( 02-11-2013,
06:25 PM

Kyroshill My current squad.... rocking... 02-11-2013,
07:04 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I just bought a scouter... 02-11-2013,
07:47 PM

MiaSanMia how can that be?
Did your... 02-11-2013,
08:56 PM

Accyrover It would appear so, I can... 02-11-2013,
09:16 PM

dv8r Power training starts... 02-11-2013,
10:07 PM

Accyrover Don't think I've seen a... 02-11-2013,
11:18 PM

Kyroshill Bored until after... 02-11-2013,
11:24 PM

Playsmartpeople lol lost at 25th rounds... 02-11-2013,
11:54 PM

Nampion Chancy Maybe not?? I was way more... 02-12-2013,
02:58 AM

Mar Wie Server are back up! 02-12-2013,
03:16 AM

July Fourth Easy League again for me this... 02-12-2013,
03:31 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Just 2 good teams in my... 02-12-2013,
07:08 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin New player 6 stars.. 02-12-2013,
07:13 AM

dv8r Quite a few inactive... 02-12-2013,
07:15 AM

July Fourth Whats this all about???
My... 02-12-2013,
08:38 AM

Playsmartpeople Season 2 for me will be :
... 02-12-2013,
10:04 AM

Rubenito Oh my what a league:)
5... 02-12-2013,
10:21 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin You should remove that * star... 02-12-2013,
10:21 AM

Luskin Star An exciting day for all T11... 02-12-2013,
11:23 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin @Benlee4u looks like you will... 02-12-2013,
12:16 PM

Raykco Almost a case of deja vu,... 02-12-2013,
12:18 PM

Bebchu Just great draw for the... 02-12-2013,
12:53 PM

Accyrover League, oh! dear.
Nearest... 02-12-2013,
01:18 PM

Pojacanje I have secured 1/8 but old... 02-12-2013,
01:45 PM

FCP After looking at our... 02-12-2013,
03:06 PM

meis cost him 1.13B
now with... 02-12-2013,
03:47 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 3-0 In the first game with a... 02-12-2013,
04:33 PM

Pojacanje 6:0 first league game, CL in... 02-12-2013,
04:42 PM

Potemy Routine 8-0 win in the... 02-12-2013,
05:36 PM

dv8r Champions League group... 02-12-2013,
06:18 PM

Accyrover So just sell him at the... 02-12-2013,
06:50 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Just a 4-1 first round in CL... 02-12-2013,
07:25 PM

SheaVa Check!
My Opponent:... 02-12-2013,
10:41 PM

Pojacanje still dominating at level 7,... 02-12-2013,
10:50 PM

Nampion Chancy I did not have a response on... 02-13-2013,
03:56 AM

July Fourth July Fourth 5-2 Suht algaja... 02-13-2013,
05:10 AM

July Fourth Stadium Expansion Completed
... 02-13-2013,
05:25 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Tomorrow I will open a new... 02-13-2013,
07:36 AM

July Fourth http://i47.tinypic.com/6gkl8h.... 02-13-2013,
08:11 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin League game in 2 minutes,... 02-13-2013,
09:09 AM

Accyrover Anyone noticed how passing... 02-13-2013,
11:33 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I'm waiting for my DL, he's... 02-13-2013,
11:37 AM

Adel Gamal Yesterday, I had two hard... 02-13-2013,
11:49 AM

Accyrover F**k me dv8r, let him pass... 02-13-2013,
01:21 PM

Accyrover Think hard, 50SP and put SS... 02-13-2013,
01:39 PM

Playsmartpeople Another hard fought game in... 02-13-2013,
02:32 PM

July Fourth Mauricio FC 0-3 July Fourth... 02-13-2013,
03:03 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Tonight I have very easy game... 02-13-2013,
03:36 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Today I played with 1st,... 02-13-2013,
06:39 PM

gkassimis after 3 seasons i bought... 02-13-2013,
06:50 PM

Mar Wie Shadow Striker SA, no... 02-13-2013,
08:38 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I would not buy him, he's... 02-13-2013,
08:39 PM

Mar Wie Just found him in TM and... 02-13-2013,
08:41 PM

Raykco Todays Games.
League:... 02-13-2013,
09:09 PM

Luskin Star Really interesting League... 02-13-2013,
11:45 PM

Luskin Star This is not a whinge, simply... 02-13-2013,
11:57 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 2 more players 6 stars after... 02-14-2013,
06:51 AM

spornybol well my season started well,... 02-14-2013,
07:17 AM

July Fourth Analisti 0-4 July Fourth... 02-14-2013,
08:07 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 90 tokens went away from my... 02-14-2013,
09:41 AM

Adel Gamal Yesterday, I won both matches... 02-14-2013,
10:16 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin New player 6 stars! and a... 02-14-2013,
05:22 PM

Accyrover 200 RP (tokens) from another... 02-14-2013,
06:44 PM

Accyrover XXX:rolleyes: 02-14-2013,
06:57 PM

July Fourth 200 RP on that other game is... 02-14-2013,
06:59 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 3 transfers today all free... 02-14-2013,
07:27 PM

Bebchu We won and our CL match
2169 02-14-2013,
09:29 PM

Kyroshill So early in the morning... 02-14-2013,
09:54 PM

Mar Wie Tell me pls 02-14-2013,
10:45 PM

Raykco Thursday Match Results.
... 02-14-2013,
10:45 PM

Luskin Star Massie Lodge clambered to the... 02-15-2013,
01:02 AM

llamaz League: Dalby United 3-0... 02-15-2013,
08:23 AM

July Fourth KOJLEKOV FC 0-6 July Fourth... 02-15-2013,
10:32 AM

NTNK Bravo July...... 02-15-2013,
10:35 AM

NTNK 3T player with amazing... 02-15-2013,
01:24 PM

July Fourth I guess someone wanted to... 02-15-2013,
02:11 PM

Mar Wie Two Guys from Argentina... 02-15-2013,
03:19 PM

Adel Gamal In league : 4 wins with 15... 02-15-2013,
09:16 PM

Kyroshill Into playoff round easily... 02-15-2013,
10:18 PM

Raykco Friday results.
LGE: ... 02-15-2013,
11:29 PM

mountaincat thanks.........so sad....... 02-16-2013,
01:56 AM

dv8r Multi-account cheater... 02-16-2013,
01:56 AM

Luskin Star Masie Lodge maintained their... 02-16-2013,
03:38 AM

Kyroshill This should help.... a... 02-16-2013,
05:09 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin After yesterday victory in... 02-16-2013,
07:48 AM

Pojacanje Draw for CUP placed me... 02-16-2013,
09:22 AM

July Fourth Draw for CUP playoffs round... 02-16-2013,
09:50 AM

July Fourth Champions League Preview:... 02-16-2013,
02:49 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I just bought 3 more players... 02-16-2013,
02:54 PM

Accyrover Quite a sad day, Ravers... 02-16-2013,
03:21 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin League game in less then 1... 02-16-2013,
04:07 PM

Accyrover Is 'reality' about to kick... 02-16-2013,
04:50 PM

Kyroshill First game 17.9 v 14.8....... 02-16-2013,
04:56 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I forgot to watch my game,... 02-16-2013,
05:02 PM

July Fourth Sentepespor FC 3-3 July... 02-16-2013,
05:22 PM

dv8r Match preview:... 02-16-2013,
07:26 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Good luck dv8r, take all 3... 02-16-2013,
07:28 PM

Raykco I have just watched an... 02-16-2013,
08:17 PM

Kyroshill VERY hard fought 1-2 win for... 02-16-2013,
09:19 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 4-0 Kao FC League... 02-16-2013,
09:57 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 2 new jerseys to collection :D 02-16-2013,
10:27 PM

Luskin Star Massie Lodge extended their... 02-16-2013,
10:35 PM

Smoggie Cracking result for the... 02-16-2013,
11:32 PM

Accyrover Still undefeated but a bit... 02-16-2013,
11:33 PM

Potemy 2277
Beautiful. 02-17-2013,
05:20 AM

ryanight07 I need negotiations level 11... 02-17-2013,
06:41 AM

Luskin Star As I have mentioned on here... 02-17-2013,
07:35 AM

Potemy I didn't want to scam the... 02-17-2013,
07:38 AM

Luskin Star Very nice sell, Potemy.
... 02-17-2013,
08:07 AM

Luskin Star Potemy, when you sell an... 02-17-2013,
08:26 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Oh I found a nice DL for me,... 02-17-2013,
08:34 AM

Luskin Star I suppose I should explain... 02-17-2013,
08:35 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 2284
A new transfer for... 02-17-2013,
08:56 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin You have an hard season... 02-17-2013,
10:17 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I just checked my Cup... 02-17-2013,
10:18 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Yes sir, same here, very low... 02-17-2013,
12:19 PM

Kyroshill Well an early morning 1-3... 02-17-2013,
01:37 PM

Kyroshill Cup opponent running a 4-4-2... 02-17-2013,
03:07 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin One of the best defenders... 02-17-2013,
04:01 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin You are still in my team, I... 02-17-2013,
04:17 PM

NTNK This season start to be... 02-17-2013,
06:49 PM

Raykco Sunday Review.
LGE: ... 02-17-2013,
07:00 PM

Luskin Star Easy away Cup victory for... 02-17-2013,
09:13 PM

trygen Finally...some dignity 2315 02-17-2013,
09:29 PM

Kyroshill Sitting second top after... 02-17-2013,
10:04 PM

NTNK Results 15-17.02.2013
I... 02-17-2013,
10:04 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Now thats "sad" the third... 02-18-2013,
06:02 AM

July Fourth FK SUSEK 0-6 July Fourth Cup... 02-18-2013,
06:21 AM

Pojacanje LEAGUE: ATM 3 teams are tied... 02-18-2013,
12:43 PM

kullehh my players to weak against... 02-18-2013,
02:10 PM

kullehh i have to score at least 2... 02-18-2013,
02:16 PM

Kyroshill CL match in 12 minutes....... 02-18-2013,
03:53 PM

Kyroshill 2-0 to the good guys....... 02-18-2013,
04:15 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 0-2 Sentepespor... 02-18-2013,
04:20 PM

July Fourth Well after the disappointment... 02-18-2013,
04:40 PM

Kyroshill Gonzalez only suffered an... 02-18-2013,
04:45 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin A 3-0 victory in league, Adel... 02-18-2013,
05:14 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Pff, I'm thinking to... 02-18-2013,
05:17 PM

Kyroshill By way of our earlier win...... 02-18-2013,
05:34 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Kowach is on the transfer... 02-18-2013,
05:38 PM

Krmenadla Random much? Not the first... 02-18-2013,
07:44 PM

Krmenadla It was not an illegal... 02-18-2013,
07:52 PM

Kyroshill I'm not so sure the game... 02-18-2013,
08:01 PM

kullehh formation 02-18-2013,
08:15 PM

Kyroshill Wow.... lots of trolling of... 02-18-2013,
08:52 PM

Mar Wie 4 injuries in 1 match,... 02-18-2013,
09:29 PM

July Fourth Kamikaze 0-1 July Fourth... 02-18-2013,
09:36 PM

Raykco The Monday Report.
LGE: ... 02-18-2013,
09:59 PM

thon Level 5
average 41.5 ... 02-18-2013,
10:19 PM

Luskin Star An emphatic 0-3 away win in... 02-18-2013,
11:03 PM

Luskin Star Interesting League clash... 02-19-2013,
01:00 AM

Kyroshill Little harder game than... 02-19-2013,
12:54 PM

Kyroshill Of course my big game... 02-19-2013,
01:10 PM

Pojacanje Stunning 6:1 victory, keeps... 02-19-2013,
04:38 PM

Kyroshill So when you play an opponent... 02-19-2013,
05:00 PM

Kyroshill He is currently showing a... 02-19-2013,
05:35 PM

kullehh ,i am level 3 and i... 02-19-2013,
07:21 PM

NTNK Offside trap - OFF
... 02-19-2013,
07:48 PM

NTNK Antoniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :D 02-19-2013,
07:49 PM

FCP FCP just signed Jesper... 02-19-2013,
08:25 PM

NTNK Results 19.02.2013.
CUP... 02-19-2013,
08:38 PM

Accyrover 5 points separate 2nd from... 02-19-2013,
09:38 PM

July Fourth Walking away with the title... 02-19-2013,
09:43 PM

Kyroshill Dammit!!!! 50-50... 02-19-2013,
09:54 PM

Kyroshill 2389Alright.... so now I'm... 02-19-2013,
09:56 PM

Luskin Star A slashing performance this... 02-19-2013,
10:03 PM

Raykco Tuesday Review.
LGE: ... 02-19-2013,
11:29 PM

Luskin Star C'mon Raykco, this has to be... 02-20-2013,
12:01 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Cl should not be a problem... 02-20-2013,
06:53 AM

July Fourth Ac Milan 0-6 July Fourth... 02-20-2013,
11:39 AM

July Fourth Last 16 Cup Draw
For the... 02-20-2013,
12:59 PM

Accyrover How do you doctor the image... 02-20-2013,
01:05 PM

Accyrover My KO stages of the Cup, as... 02-20-2013,
03:13 PM

Accyrover Istanbul bound for tonight's... 02-20-2013,
03:30 PM

Kyroshill 2420
So here is my Cup... 02-20-2013,
03:34 PM

Kyroshill CLeague matchup in about 20... 02-20-2013,
03:49 PM

Lukasj123 My team just won in probably... 02-20-2013,
04:22 PM

NTNK NTNK United back on the... 02-20-2013,
04:48 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 3-0 victory in CL :D 15... 02-20-2013,
05:00 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin The new stadium should be... 02-20-2013,
06:32 PM

July Fourth Suht algaja vnii 0-4 July... 02-20-2013,
08:18 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I'm planning to make 10-20... 02-20-2013,
08:19 PM

NTNK Results 20.02.2013.
... 02-20-2013,
08:45 PM

Csaszar Alexandru Well hello there.
Just... 02-20-2013,
08:46 PM

Chris Rath Hey lads, I sadly lost today... 02-20-2013,
08:47 PM

Kyroshill Wow.... so my defensive... 02-20-2013,
09:00 PM

Kyroshill 2435
So sitting 4th at... 02-20-2013,
09:03 PM

Raykco Wednesday Report.
LGE: ... 02-20-2013,
10:05 PM

Kyroshill LOL.... after that... 02-20-2013,
10:16 PM

Luskin Star Today was an unmittigated... 02-20-2013,
11:24 PM

reallaw My friend played against a... 02-21-2013,
06:11 AM

dv8r Perfect Tactics have... 02-21-2013,
09:42 AM

Accyrover The games not realistic so... 02-21-2013,
12:53 PM

gaz Always the bridesmaid! 02-21-2013,
02:16 PM

Hassan FC Playing one of my friends in... 02-21-2013,
03:36 PM

Accyrover Ravers trip to Tokyo this... 02-21-2013,
05:38 PM

Kyroshill Interesting... I got my... 02-21-2013,
05:55 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Anyone up for a friendly... 02-21-2013,
06:17 PM

Pojacanje VICTORY AGAINST 3 LEVEL... 02-21-2013,
07:23 PM

Pojacanje 7 level he is 10. 02-21-2013,
07:29 PM

NTNK Niceeee matori :D 02-21-2013,
07:31 PM

Accyrover Bali what a pace, Ravers won... 02-21-2013,
08:52 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 4 new free agents today and... 02-21-2013,
08:58 PM

July Fourth Here's mine... All 8 away... 02-21-2013,
09:10 PM

Kyroshill I hate you guys :p 02-21-2013,
09:34 PM

Raykco Thursday Update.
LGE: ... 02-21-2013,
10:11 PM

Luskin Star A little late with... 02-22-2013,
06:11 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin last round in cl groups... 02-22-2013,
08:07 AM

dv8r Match Preview - Perfect... 02-22-2013,
01:36 PM

Pojacanje 5-6 in strenght in CL. 1st... 02-22-2013,
01:47 PM

reallaw 0-10 Today in the League. ... 02-22-2013,
02:09 PM

Kyroshill I'm just protecting all my... 02-22-2013,
05:23 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I lost in CL ! Unreal but... 02-22-2013,
05:57 PM

July Fourth Match Preview: 'Thai Team' vs... 02-22-2013,
07:05 PM

Accyrover Final Game of the group... 02-22-2013,
07:33 PM

Csaszar Alexandru I HAD ENAUGH, check HERE... 02-22-2013,
08:02 PM

Kyroshill Nice 1-3 CL win.... although... 02-22-2013,
08:53 PM

July Fourth Stacey.... No good at... 02-22-2013,
09:48 PM

Raykco Friday Report.
LGE: SVET... 02-22-2013,
09:54 PM

Luskin Star The lads from Massie Lodge... 02-22-2013,
11:05 PM

Chris Rath In a meaningless last group... 02-22-2013,
11:57 PM

Accyrover Ravers maintained their 12... 02-23-2013,
12:00 AM

Chris Rath Last major signing for this... 02-23-2013,
12:10 AM

Kyroshill OK.... so here's our CL... 02-23-2013,
03:45 AM

Raykco I've just seen my Champ... 02-23-2013,
04:13 AM

Benlee4u Chronicles from the... 02-23-2013,
11:57 AM

July Fourth July Fourth 7-0 Ac Milan Cup... 02-23-2013,
12:01 PM

Pojacanje CUP INFO:Just been defeated... 02-23-2013,
12:33 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Nothing special in league, we... 02-23-2013,
09:07 PM

Luskin Star Massie Lodge opened up a 5pt... 02-23-2013,
09:34 PM

Kyroshill Easy day.... 3-0 Cup... 02-23-2013,
11:12 PM

Kyroshill Gotta look to see what... 02-23-2013,
11:14 PM

Accyrover Two 6-0 home wins keeps the... 02-23-2013,
11:20 PM

Pojacanje True July Fourth, this time... 02-23-2013,
11:46 PM

Raykco Saturday Update.
LGE: ... 02-23-2013,
11:57 PM

Chris Rath How I am doing? Sh*t! I felt... 02-24-2013,
12:29 AM

Pojacanje Have you ever had situation... 02-24-2013,
10:08 AM

sorinaccio last night game
and... 02-24-2013,
10:20 AM

reallaw 0-3 won 'cause the other... 02-24-2013,
11:09 AM

reallaw Why do the ppl in League... 02-24-2013,
11:15 AM

reallaw To 95% out of the Cup this... 02-24-2013,
11:36 AM

prince_alex Fighting for the first... 02-24-2013,
11:50 AM

July Fourth Champions League 9.26pm... 02-24-2013,
12:31 PM

Chris Rath 3-0 away win at the 8th in... 02-24-2013,
12:37 PM

ParshulXXL I only won once in the last 5... 02-24-2013,
02:02 PM

reallaw 2544
In the CL i'm luckier... 02-24-2013,
02:27 PM

Accyrover I've been logged in for most... 02-24-2013,
05:05 PM

Mohsen Moghim actually it is my fifth... 02-24-2013,
06:05 PM

Pojacanje Champions League match in 2... 02-24-2013,
06:59 PM

Raykco Sunday Review.
LGE: TWINS... 02-24-2013,
07:17 PM

Chris Rath 2-1 away win in the CL. The... 02-24-2013,
09:11 PM

Pojacanje First defeat in season... 02-24-2013,
09:24 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin A good result in league... 02-24-2013,
09:47 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 5-1 Steaua Siret... 02-24-2013,
09:51 PM

July Fourth Champions League Last 16, 1st... 02-24-2013,
10:19 PM

Krmenadla Hello fellow managers. Lets... 02-24-2013,
11:06 PM

Luskin Star Long night for the lads from... 02-24-2013,
11:52 PM

Kyroshill Humans getting trolled... 02-25-2013,
01:08 AM

Kyroshill Hmmm.... something is just... 02-25-2013,
01:31 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Later, I will add some... 02-25-2013,
06:21 AM

July Fourth The youth players arrived... 02-25-2013,
09:11 AM

Adel Gamal My last news in T11 :
In... 02-25-2013,
09:33 AM

art2980 In league :
I'm now 1st... 02-25-2013,
10:24 AM

July Fourth FENIXJAS 0-4 July Fourth... 02-25-2013,
10:35 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Lol my main opponent in CL... 02-25-2013,
12:11 PM

paulbonnick0504 Hey Guys sorry I've been... 02-25-2013,
03:27 PM

paulbonnick0504 Im in the pool of level 19 to... 02-25-2013,
03:47 PM

QuocBao In the League Position 1... 02-25-2013,
03:58 PM

Kyroshill :sigh: More early morning... 02-25-2013,
04:11 PM

Kyroshill I really hope I don't have... 02-25-2013,
04:37 PM

Accyrover I've seem worse shots, what... 02-25-2013,
05:01 PM

Kyroshill I'm tellin' ya.... my server... 02-25-2013,
06:47 PM

Chris Rath Got two youngsters today from... 02-25-2013,
07:33 PM

paulbonnick0504 Cup Quarter Final... 02-25-2013,
07:50 PM

paulbonnick0504 also 3 more 5* players gone... 02-25-2013,
07:59 PM

Pojacanje DEFEATED BY 20+ skill point... 02-25-2013,
08:43 PM

Luskin Star Another busy night for the... 02-25-2013,
09:23 PM

July Fourth Cup Quarter-Final 1st Leg... 02-25-2013,
10:03 PM

Raykco Monday.
LGE: LONDON CITY ... 02-25-2013,
11:14 PM

Kyroshill So finally dice rolls go our... 02-26-2013,
01:44 AM

Kyroshill LOVE Arsene.... he never... 02-26-2013,
01:57 AM

paulbonnick0504 Dont think there is any RB ... 02-26-2013,
08:55 AM

paulbonnick0504 Madrid have the backing and... 02-26-2013,
09:24 AM

Adel Gamal Yesterday results :
In... 02-26-2013,
09:33 AM

prince_alex Fighting for the first... 02-26-2013,
09:52 AM

prince_alex You should enjoy till the... 02-26-2013,
10:02 AM

paulbonnick0504 Another easy win would of... 02-26-2013,
10:32 AM

kullehh what happen after level 20... 02-26-2013,
12:58 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 1-0 Analisti... 02-26-2013,
04:04 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Just a 2-0 victory, pretty... 02-26-2013,
04:23 PM

Kyroshill Well.... my CL match was... 02-26-2013,
04:37 PM

Kyroshill 12 minutes to BIG league... 02-26-2013,
07:40 PM

Raykco Tuesday Round-Up
LGE: ... 02-26-2013,
09:53 PM

NTNK NTNK ===> ... 02-26-2013,
10:26 PM

Luskin Star Two home games for Massie... 02-26-2013,
11:07 PM

July Fourth I've been on the Power... 02-27-2013,
09:20 AM

July Fourth July Fourth 5-0 FC CHUJEMUJE... 02-27-2013,
11:44 AM

July Fourth NumCeza FC 0-0 July Fourth... 02-27-2013,
03:33 PM

July Fourth I'm extremely pissed... ... 02-27-2013,
04:22 PM

prince_alex I'm playing against the... 02-27-2013,
04:37 PM

Kyroshill The boys put up a fight... 02-27-2013,
05:32 PM

dv8r League, round 16 -... 02-27-2013,
06:12 PM

July Fourth The only positive thing that... 02-27-2013,
06:39 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Pricop is a sexy 7 stars... 02-27-2013,
06:43 PM

paulbonnick0504 and you get tokens with it ? 02-27-2013,
07:08 PM

paulbonnick0504 where do i find this offer 02-27-2013,
07:14 PM

Kyroshill Good away win by the good... 02-27-2013,
07:15 PM

Kyroshill Oh....and for the skeptics... 02-27-2013,
07:16 PM

ParshulXXL As I keep saying, the game... 02-27-2013,
07:39 PM

Pojacanje I do not have that option :(... 02-27-2013,
07:53 PM

reallaw My first defeat in this... 02-27-2013,
07:56 PM

Raykco Wednesday.
LGE: LONDON... 02-27-2013,
09:29 PM

FCP Quick update.
2667 02-27-2013,
09:55 PM

ant hi FCP, what that mean? 02-27-2013,
10:22 PM

Kyroshill Anticipation......
... 02-27-2013,
10:22 PM

Luskin Star A midnight flight to Istanbul... 02-27-2013,
11:01 PM

ant no, where? 02-27-2013,
11:01 PM

trygen 2681
2 wins, for today... 02-27-2013,
11:17 PM

ant hm, ok, if you afraid 02-27-2013,
11:35 PM

ant ? ... 02-28-2013,
12:34 AM

FishFlicks I have 2 big matches early... 02-28-2013,
10:03 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 270027012702270327042705
... 02-28-2013,
11:23 AM

Lola.Milo i have 2 important matches... 02-28-2013,
02:42 PM

July Fourth Playing a GK as a ST in my... 02-28-2013,
03:35 PM

Kyroshill Ouch! Just suffered my first... 02-28-2013,
05:04 PM

ParshulXXL After a dry spell of 5 games... 02-28-2013,
06:04 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 5-0 in CL, so we are in... 02-28-2013,
06:15 PM

trygen 2728
My Cl opponent 02-28-2013,
07:52 PM

Chris Rath League: I stayed second after... 02-28-2013,
08:52 PM

Kyroshill Sheeesh... these refs today,... 02-28-2013,
08:57 PM

Kyroshill Ack! 2nd training related... 02-28-2013,
09:16 PM

Raykco Thursday Report.
LGE: ... 02-28-2013,
09:22 PM

Kyroshill Slight bit of good news....... 02-28-2013,
09:22 PM

Luskin Star The annual mid season slump... 02-28-2013,
09:41 PM

Kyroshill OK.... CL bracket at day's... 02-28-2013,
10:32 PM

Pojacanje Game is at 1-13pm so spend... 03-01-2013,
09:15 AM

reallaw I'm so pissed. Fu*kin'... 03-01-2013,
09:18 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I just checked teams for cup... 03-01-2013,
10:40 AM

July Fourth I never respond to friend... 03-01-2013,
02:57 PM

Lola.Milo lost my CL match yesterday :( 03-01-2013,
03:42 PM

Kyroshill I thought today would be a... 03-01-2013,
03:43 PM

July Fourth Aliance FC vs The Eagles... 03-01-2013,
10:19 PM

Kyroshill Never happy.... but it was... 03-01-2013,
10:27 PM

Kyroshill So since I have some new... 03-02-2013,
03:50 AM

paulbonnick0504 dropped to 4 points behind... 03-02-2013,
08:31 AM

Gafaton i Won the game 1-3 against... 03-02-2013,
01:02 PM

Kyroshill Crazy morning.... missed the... 03-02-2013,
03:56 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 6-2 The Gunner FC... 03-02-2013,
04:09 PM

July Fourth Champagne On Ice
Besiktas... 03-02-2013,
04:51 PM

axim78 really hard fought. win... 03-02-2013,
06:47 PM

Kyroshill Speaking of not... 03-02-2013,
07:38 PM

Raykco Saturday Update.
LGE: ... 03-02-2013,
09:08 PM

Kyroshill Alright... 33 minutes to go... 03-02-2013,
09:16 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 3-0 FC Zywiec... 03-02-2013,
09:43 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Crazy draw in CL 1-1 :) 03-02-2013,
09:52 PM

Chris Rath Perfect day for FC... 03-02-2013,
10:27 PM

Kyroshill Well.... a clean 0-2 win and... 03-02-2013,
11:01 PM

Luskin Star No report yesterday,... 03-02-2013,
11:37 PM

Chris Rath You both are top contenders... 03-03-2013,
12:20 AM

Chris Rath Yes, Leganes is quality, two... 03-03-2013,
12:32 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 4 players close to 7 stars!... 03-03-2013,
11:24 AM

Adel Gamal Last results :
In league :... 03-03-2013,
11:50 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I just saw my CL opponent, I... 03-03-2013,
12:10 PM

Playsmartpeople Hi guys.....another crucial... 03-03-2013,
02:35 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 1-0 kamikaze... 03-03-2013,
03:29 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Just a 6-0 in League. 03-03-2013,
03:31 PM

Kyroshill Alright... since Arsenal... 03-03-2013,
04:40 PM

July Fourth Mertesacker scores... back in... 03-03-2013,
05:09 PM

Kyroshill Well RONPEST rolled his Cup... 03-03-2013,
05:22 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin We are starting to save... 03-03-2013,
06:05 PM

Kyroshill I just bumped up my win... 03-03-2013,
06:13 PM

Kristya Hello! I am new in this... 03-03-2013,
07:32 PM

Raykco My only match scheduled... 03-03-2013,
07:55 PM

Kyroshill So while RONPEST did their... 03-03-2013,
09:19 PM

Chris Rath Wow, the league leader... 03-03-2013,
10:00 PM

Luskin Star Massie Lodge appears to have... 03-03-2013,
11:00 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin We won't be home tonight so... 03-04-2013,
07:41 AM

mirnal Hi Friends,
Need your... 03-04-2013,
09:23 AM

paulbonnick0504 Since I last wrote on here I... 03-04-2013,
11:34 AM

paulbonnick0504 I miss being in easy leagues... 03-04-2013,
11:53 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin New transfers are comming ! 03-04-2013,
01:29 PM

dv8r Are you guys on the t11... 03-04-2013,
03:21 PM

July Fourth Jude Moses @iJM21
Why not... 03-04-2013,
04:14 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 4 more players, damn moneys,... 03-04-2013,
04:24 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I will miss my both games... 03-04-2013,
05:13 PM

thon Season so far lvl5
... 03-04-2013,
05:57 PM

Chris Rath League update:
FC... 03-04-2013,
07:28 PM

Kyroshill Oh.... forgot to mention....... 03-04-2013,
07:29 PM

July Fourth Champions League Semi-Final... 03-04-2013,
08:21 PM

Kyroshill Win!
Opposing manager had... 03-04-2013,
08:58 PM

marc31 First points dropped in... 03-04-2013,
09:59 PM

July Fourth Champions League Knockout... 03-04-2013,
10:19 PM

Bebchu CL..
2859... 03-04-2013,
10:52 PM

Raykco Monday.
LGE: PTO ALCUDIA ... 03-04-2013,
10:53 PM

Luskin Star League R21 Moonlight 1 Massie... 03-04-2013,
10:54 PM

Kristya 2861
I was surprise that... 03-04-2013,
10:59 PM

marc31 0-0 home in 1st leg. Bad... 03-04-2013,
11:05 PM

Chris Rath Oh, man, what kind of matches... 03-04-2013,
11:32 PM

July Fourth Good score that Chris, I... 03-04-2013,
11:54 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Nice scores but also you got... 03-05-2013,
08:48 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Today we "run" moneys! 6,7... 03-05-2013,
08:50 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 6 players on sale at this... 03-05-2013,
10:12 AM

Pojacanje Stunning loss in CL last... 03-05-2013,
10:52 AM

July Fourth Free Agents for me are a... 03-05-2013,
11:26 AM

Shadow Free agents are good... 03-05-2013,
11:42 AM

July Fourth There are no free agents on... 03-05-2013,
01:04 PM

July Fourth Cup Draw Update
A bit of... 03-05-2013,
01:19 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 6-0 Ac Milan... 03-05-2013,
03:40 PM

Kuruma Through the the cup final... 03-05-2013,
04:39 PM

Chris Rath Kneipenkick is prepared for... 03-05-2013,
08:24 PM

Raykco Tuesday Report.
LGE: ... 03-05-2013,
10:06 PM

marc31 FCN Iași - Long Island FC... 03-05-2013,
11:14 PM

Luskin Star Cup Semi Final Massie Lodge... 03-05-2013,
11:24 PM

Kyroshill 2898
Total shocker I... 03-06-2013,
01:10 AM

July Fourth No lol, I don't think I would... 03-06-2013,
01:59 AM

Playsmartpeople Park the bus and you will win... 03-06-2013,
04:19 AM

Adel Gamal Another win in league as... 03-06-2013,
07:58 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin We should not have big... 03-06-2013,
08:25 AM

paulbonnick0504 Not much to write about I... 03-06-2013,
09:36 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin New players, I love how manys... 03-06-2013,
10:07 AM

Luskin Star Thanks, something for us all... 03-06-2013,
12:09 PM

Raykco Wednesday.
LGE: NO CHANCE... 03-06-2013,
12:50 PM

July Fourth Training Update
Squad... 03-06-2013,
02:39 PM

July Fourth Fc RonnyBonny 2-3 July Fourth... 03-06-2013,
05:26 PM

July Fourth Result Just In...
Kalex... 03-06-2013,
06:17 PM

FC Strandbal I had today the second leg of... 03-06-2013,
06:22 PM

Chris Rath This guy appeard today in my... 03-06-2013,
07:33 PM

Tornado88 Through to the final of the... 03-06-2013,
07:40 PM

Kyroshill Well.... who knows what the... 03-06-2013,
08:17 PM

Kyroshill I saw a few things happen in... 03-06-2013,
08:20 PM

reallaw 2-2 with 15% ball pos. and... 03-06-2013,
08:37 PM

Kyroshill LOL.... I guess I should go... 03-06-2013,
08:39 PM

Kyroshill LOL.... does this make it... 03-06-2013,
09:02 PM

shwanko07 I just beat the strongest... 03-06-2013,
10:14 PM

Chris Rath Kneipenkick update:
Today... 03-06-2013,
10:25 PM

Kyroshill LOL.... what Nordeus taketh... 03-06-2013,
10:28 PM

Kyroshill We win! We win! And the game... 03-06-2013,
11:00 PM

Kyroshill Never seen it before... 03-06-2013,
11:02 PM

Kyroshill Well.... I still don't... 03-06-2013,
11:09 PM

Kristya Ottawa Blue Claw (2) vs... 03-06-2013,
11:12 PM

Kyroshill Alright.... so no one is... 03-06-2013,
11:16 PM

Luskin Star League R23 GulbaG 0-1 Massie... 03-06-2013,
11:34 PM

Kyroshill That's a bit better than... 03-06-2013,
11:43 PM

marc31 Definately you must wait... 03-06-2013,
11:55 PM

Kyroshill Yeah.... I'll wait... but... 03-07-2013,
12:11 AM

Gafaton just wait 3 days or smth :p 03-07-2013,
12:26 AM

Luskin Star Just realised my Cup Final... 03-07-2013,
02:07 AM

mzaini_18 3 matches to finish the... 03-07-2013,
02:29 AM

Pojacanje LAST NIGHT GAME, CHAMPIONS... 03-07-2013,
08:19 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Good luck July, you will win... 03-07-2013,
09:54 AM

July Fourth http://i47.tinypic.com/2q3onkm... 03-07-2013,
10:28 AM

paulbonnick0504 took a bad 1-3 home defeat... 03-07-2013,
11:36 AM

Kyroshill 6 minutes to the Clash..... 03-07-2013,
11:54 AM

paulbonnick0504 finally got my 41T for that... 03-07-2013,
11:55 AM

July Fourth July Fourth 5-0 erster FC... 03-07-2013,
11:59 AM

paulbonnick0504 2-0 after 5 mins :) 03-07-2013,
12:06 PM

paulbonnick0504 half time man Un 0 B.B.B... 03-07-2013,
12:10 PM

Kyroshill I have a suspicion I'll be... 03-07-2013,
12:43 PM

Morgan O\'Bree The young New Team's player... 03-07-2013,
01:20 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin We saved around 300m for... 03-07-2013,
01:55 PM

PeterMeter I won't be able to catch up... 03-07-2013,
02:35 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 5-1 'The Other... 03-07-2013,
04:10 PM

Morgan O\'Bree Cup Final in 3 minutes...all... 03-07-2013,
04:13 PM

Raykco Thursday.
LGE: LONDON... 03-07-2013,
04:41 PM

Morgan O\'Bree Cup Final Match
FC New... 03-07-2013,
04:42 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 8-0 today in League, we are... 03-07-2013,
05:47 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Good job dv8r :P 03-07-2013,
05:53 PM

Kyroshill 2966
Here's the stats of... 03-07-2013,
05:58 PM

Lola.Milo blame Nordeus :D
... 03-07-2013,
06:40 PM

Playsmartpeople Sadly i couldnt watch my cup... 03-07-2013,
06:44 PM

Morgan O\'Bree Was off to shopping so... 03-07-2013,
08:10 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Oh thats nice result and... 03-07-2013,
08:31 PM

July Fourth I like that there is a team... 03-07-2013,
08:42 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Thank you Morgan, both of us... 03-07-2013,
09:00 PM

NTNK 297329742975 03-07-2013,
09:03 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I saw 3 goals in 5 minutes :) 03-07-2013,
09:15 PM

NTNK From tomorrow I'll play... 03-07-2013,
09:28 PM

marc31 No way! It`s not fair,... 03-07-2013,
09:40 PM

paulbonnick0504 After my cup win which you... 03-07-2013,
10:28 PM

Luskin Star League R24 Dropsmongool Dy... 03-07-2013,
11:07 PM

dv8r CL opponent plays a... 03-08-2013,
03:14 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Cl tonight, we are ready to... 03-08-2013,
06:20 AM

Vidmux It is not trolling, it's... 03-08-2013,
08:53 AM

July Fourth This is it. The bid to win... 03-08-2013,
11:23 AM

Morgan O\'Bree Nothing changed in my league.... 03-08-2013,
12:11 PM

Chris Rath League update: FC Kneipenkick... 03-08-2013,
12:52 PM

marc31 To be or not to be! My... 03-08-2013,
04:56 PM

fmldotcom Lost 2 CL finals, got one... 03-08-2013,
04:57 PM

Kyroshill An entire season wasted........ 03-08-2013,
05:05 PM

Kyroshill Don't think there will be a... 03-08-2013,
05:11 PM

axim78 hala axim fc. this season... 03-08-2013,
05:35 PM

fmldotcom After losing the first 2 CL... 03-08-2013,
06:07 PM

fmldotcom Drama. Drama!!!
Amazingly... 03-08-2013,
06:29 PM

RodrigoVascão Tokens sumiram!
Me desculpe... 03-08-2013,
06:44 PM

RodrigoVascão Tokens are gone!
Sorry to be... 03-08-2013,
06:46 PM

Morgan O\'Bree 25th day: FC Scouts 1 - 3 ... 03-08-2013,
08:11 PM

Rubenito Magic night for... 03-08-2013,
08:32 PM

Raykco Friday Review.
LGE: ... 03-08-2013,
08:34 PM

July Fourth This is it... Champions... 03-08-2013,
08:36 PM

Morgan O\'Bree Quick update: with another... 03-08-2013,
08:50 PM

Chris Rath Yes, league champion. :cool:... 03-08-2013,
08:57 PM

Broxburn Rovers Just won my cl final. I was... 03-08-2013,
09:13 PM

Chris Rath And even better. CHAMPIONS... 03-08-2013,
09:21 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Good job Kristya, when I was... 03-08-2013,
10:09 PM

Ljepoje A quick question: does the... 03-08-2013,
10:09 PM

reallaw Won 1-2 CL Final vs my... 03-08-2013,
10:16 PM

Ljepoje Oke, not bad then... 😋 03-08-2013,
10:20 PM

fmldotcom 2nd place trophy is gay. Can... 03-08-2013,
10:25 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 5-1 Kalex FC... 03-08-2013,
10:32 PM

Bebchu there we go..
I could say... 03-08-2013,
11:15 PM

_NNX_ Im level 1(newbie) and I... 03-09-2013,
12:00 AM

Broxburn Rovers Ah sound i'am ps3 m8. I'd luv... 03-09-2013,
02:53 AM

Broxburn Rovers Aye new fms dont seem as... 03-09-2013,
03:13 AM

mzaini_18 2nd in the league with one... 03-09-2013,
08:04 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin From 30-40 milions few days... 03-09-2013,
10:11 AM

reallaw League ended for me. Was a... 03-09-2013,
10:21 AM

Barneey100 Yess!!! Yesterday night I won... 03-09-2013,
10:27 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin We add 3 more free players on... 03-09-2013,
10:51 AM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Happy to hear that my... 03-09-2013,
11:00 AM

Morgan O\'Bree Last Matchday.
New Team 5... 03-09-2013,
11:41 AM

thon win win win lvl 5 03-09-2013,
12:02 PM

Finally... 03-09-2013,
12:53 PM

paulbonnick0504 I'm 5th a point behind 4th i... 03-09-2013,
02:42 PM

marc31 Be on-line to support his... 03-09-2013,
02:57 PM

QuocBao I'm the winner :)... 03-09-2013,
03:09 PM

July Fourth July Fourth 4-0 Sungurlu FC... 03-09-2013,
04:04 PM

ParshulXXL Well, dissapointing season... 03-09-2013,
05:16 PM

July Fourth Well Folks its that time... 03-09-2013,
05:16 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin Oh :( losing with just 1... 03-09-2013,
05:35 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 5-0 last game in league. 03-09-2013,
05:36 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin I had but on Bocsa 2 seasons... 03-09-2013,
05:41 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin 550M for next season, 1 more... 03-09-2013,
05:44 PM

kullehh i have 23- 3 - 0 idk how i... 03-09-2013,
05:47 PM

paulbonnick0504 July how much real money have... 03-09-2013,
05:54 PM

Tornado88 League
End of my fifth... 03-09-2013,
05:56 PM

Raykco Saturday.
LGE: LONDON... 03-09-2013,
06:17 PM

Morgan O\'Bree Nothing new at the end of the... 03-09-2013,
06:26 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin We sold our last player 500... 03-09-2013,
06:40 PM

July Fourth I would like to see a... 03-09-2013,
08:51 PM

PricopGeorgeCătălin dv8r, Petersen is just... 03-09-2013,
08:53 PM

Morgan O\'Bree I wish my market was the... 03-09-2013,
08:57 PM

July Fourth How They Finished
... 03-09-2013,
09:49 PM

Vidmux Question off - new scouts... 03-09-2013,
09:55 PM

Chris Rath League update: FC Kneipenkick... 03-09-2013,
10:12 PM

lass1919 i have made thank goad 7th... 03-09-2013,
10:21 PM

lass1919 ah i didn't think of those... 03-09-2013,
10:44 PM

mzaini_18 Finished at 2nd position :-( 03-09-2013,
11:49 PM

Chris Rath Hey, I have a short noob... 03-10-2013,
12:11 AM

Chris Rath Thx July. Ok, then tomorrow... 03-10-2013,
12:48 AM

Raykco I'm hoping that one of my... 03-10-2013,
01:18 AM

July Fourth 2.00 AM GMT - This Season has... 03-10-2013,
02:04 AM

FCP Gratz to all winners.
... 03-10-2013,
02:16 AM
Grand Master
4 players close to 7 stars! Go ORLOVA!
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