So I found out about this guy. He is LVL 17, and his average is 50 LOL. All special abilities. To have a fair comparison: I'm lvl 14, and I have an average of 88. So WTF.
Anyways, I found more information about this guy. He is placed in a league where ALL players are lvl 6! Like dude WTF.
As you can see he is winning ALL his games, he won the champions league, won the cup.
As you can see, his league is all level 6 (one level 13), and way BELOW his average quality (50,0). He can win the League without even bother about his result.
So thats the secret ladies and gentlemen to get promoted every league. Get some tokens, buy some 1 star players, sell your best players, get some youth talents, and wait for the new league to start. That's how this guy did it anyways I suppose.