Originally Posted by
Gintaras Račas
a) Is your players' morale maxed out?
Yes, my morale is always boosted, I watch my games and get morale boosters from friends every day, so I use them on all players, even substitutes.
b) Is your training intensity normal?
I never use hard training, only have 1 or 2 normal intensity running (in fear of injuries) if I have only 1 match a day.
c) Sometimes there just are injury waves and you can do nothing about it.
I'm afraid that this is the case, but it has never been such intensive...
d) Don't train all players at once, set the most important to normal intensity and some subs on hard. Then if somebody gets injured it's most likely to be the sub with hard intensity.
I never let my players get tired, they only train if they have over 80% form.
e) If you're always playing a fromation with at least 2 MCs and don't use AMC/DMC then you should have more than 4 MCs.