Playing this for 16 seasons makes you aware of any tweaks.

A couple of seasons after friendlies were finally made asymmetric, Nordeus increased the yellow card rate to prevent you from farming red packs,

Still what they do about people who had stored a lot of packs in the past?

Green packs:
They found a way to tune the schedules until a perfect draining formula was achieved. Games are no longer separated by 9-12 hours, but effectively separated by 3-6 hours so that the green packs steadily disappear if you want to win titles.

Blue packs:
Well, just tune players to be losing morale for no reason every night.

Red packs:
One year ago the injury rate was absurd. They calmed down a bit but now they've increased the injury chances monstrously. My red packs stock had been around 200 for many months, now in one season only it's down to 130.

Virtual cash:
The more you advance, the more disproportionate bonus games are in relation to your receipts and sponsors.

Calm down, boys and girls in Belgrade. I've put 20 euros in this game one year ago to grab a promotion and have many tokens to bid and have fun. I will only put 20 euros again if you give me a good game experience. Don't do the tweak thing, I won't yield.