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Thread: Transistion from one season to next.

  1. #11
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    The worst thing for me used to be Day 28 training for an unknown Day 1 fixture.

    What to do, when to train, how hard..... Will I get a 10am Cup match or 9pm? So now I train for a 8am game then hope.

  2. #12
    VIP pnr8555's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    You'll get a good decent transfer market comes Day 1 full of expensive players who can really trains. They are generated by the engine as there are no players on the market just yet.

    Remember at the start of the next season, Jose Mourinho is coming back to Top Eleven loadscreen for all players! Goodbye World Cup!



  3. #13
    Rookie ninjaa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Yeah Cup matches starting on day 1 is one thing I don't like. This season was my first full season (I started 2-3 days before the previous ended), and I wasn't ready at all. I went out of the Cup in the preliminary round, but I've won my league and 2nd in CL.... I can't help but feel like I may have gone really far in the Cup if it started a couple days later. (The team that won it all wasn't very strong, and beat the team I lost to in the 2nd round).

    I have high hopes for treble this next season though, depending on my opponents. Just have to wait and see..

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