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Thread: To Buy, or Not To Buy?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Post Falls, Idaho, United States

    To Buy, or Not To Buy?

    So, after hoarding some tokens (and spending some in a fruitless effort), I've stumbled upon a dilemma: are scout players worth the price?

    I'm currently only level 2. I've been looking for a better DMC and have had little luck in the transfer market. There are some who are better than my current sub, but very few who match my starter.

    Should I buy the DMC on the scout list who's quality is 7 more than my current starter (9 more than the sub)?

    Should I be patient and wait for one on transfer market?

    Or should I be even more patient and see how the season shakes out? 12 days into the season I'm doing well in all competitions, so maybe I should wait to look to improve?

    What are your thoughts on this situation, and on scout players in general?

  2. #2
    Pro Gintaras Račas's Avatar
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    Easy question: if you're a token buyer/farmer then why not, if you're 35T player then NO WAY!
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  3. #3
    VIP spornybol's Avatar
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    I`v NEVER bought a scout and NEVER will till they bring age down but if you was yourself then i`d wait till higher level`s when it`s tougher too get player`s from market and if you did then get them on 3rd day of season, myself i`v always been patient on the transfer market and bide my time watch certain time of day and see when bidding goes quite then fill ya boots
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  4. #4
    Addicted Philip L. Willis's Avatar
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    In football it is better to be Lucky than Good.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Post Falls, Idaho, United States
    So, what I'm hearing is to wait and find the right guy on the transfer market for right now. And after I'm a few levels higher, then maybe consider it again?

  6. #6
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    Well a good striker from scout at your level might be awsome and you can use it for few seasons so if you have enough tokens, why not?
    ninjaa likes this.
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  7. #7
    Famous kynan's Avatar
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    How are you doing this season - and what are your objectives?

    For example, if you are out of the cups, but top of the league, is it worth using tokens now, when you could save them up and wait until next season?

    If your objective is to win the league and that extra player could be the difference, then go for it. If however you aren't bothered as long as you get promoted, or are comfortably in the lead then I'd stick with what you currently have as they will be doing the job for you.

    Don't get tricked into thinking because a player is a scout he will be a better player. Some scouts take a while to bed in and play well - so if you have a player who is consistently performing, even if his quality is lower, stick with that player.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Post Falls, Idaho, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by PricopGeorgeCătălin View Post
    Well a good striker from scout at your level might be awsome and you can use it for few seasons so if you have enough tokens, why not?
    That's very true. I had considered that. So far, I've had decent luck finding strikers who are upgrades from my current roster though. I was in the market for DMC and DR/DC. I was looking at one DMC scout and one DR scout, both of whom were ~8Q better than my current starter. Last night, I looked at the transfer market around 9PM (Pacific Time) and found a DR/DC who is 21 y/o (3 years younger than the scout), 29Q (2 below the scout), and costs 1.38M. Didn't go through any bidding war and his salary was almost 30k less per season than the scout. Needless to say, I'm glad I waited. Still seeking that elusive DMC though as both of mine are hurt right now >:|

    Quote Originally Posted by kynan View Post
    How are you doing this season - and what are your objectives?

    For example, if you are out of the cups, but top of the league, is it worth using tokens now, when you could save them up and wait until next season?

    If your objective is to win the league and that extra player could be the difference, then go for it. If however you aren't bothered as long as you get promoted, or are comfortably in the lead then I'd stick with what you currently have as they will be doing the job for you.

    Don't get tricked into thinking because a player is a scout he will be a better player. Some scouts take a while to bed in and play well - so if you have a player who is consistently performing, even if his quality is lower, stick with that player.
    Currently I'm in first place in my league (5 points clear with 1 game in hand on 2nd place and a +34 GD compared to 2nd place's +20), top of my group in CL (4 points clear), and have made it to the Top 16 in the Cup (won away leg 2-0). In order to win the Cup and/or CL, I will likely have to improve my roster some more. I feel comfortable in league as my quality is superior to most of the teams, and I've yet to encoutner a manager who watches the games in my league.

    I do appreciate your final thoughts though. Chemistry and form are indeed important, and shouldn't be overlooked. I'm just curious, at what quality differential does it not really matter? For example, does someone who is 20Q in good form (all 7s and 8s) perform better overall than someone who is 30Q in okay form (mostly 6s and some 7s)? I'm sure there is no definite answer, just curious as to what you think about the idea?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Buying scout players at level 2? Lol noty

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Post Falls, Idaho, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by Martins Irbe View Post
    Buying scout players at level 2? Lol noty
    Haha. I thought about it! Think I may just try and be patient with the transfer market for now. Don't wanna get too involved if all is going to hell like some of these forum posts would lead you to believe!

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