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Thread: Is there a way to report somebody in this game?

  1. #11
    Dreamer meis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Some people simply do not take no. Had one freak who kept adding me for 3 seasons or more last time. Now, there's one new freak who do the same. Is quite annoying.

    I'd reported this to the admin, but they don't care, as always.
    Lukáš Ledecký likes this.

  2. #12
    VIP spornybol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    i would like too report Admins for there inept and total lack of responsibility too us member`s on forum

    1 - i asked a couple of question in bugs/tech area forum and one of these was over 6 months ago and STILL no reply

    2 - i send a pm to an admin, now i`m not breaking rules as i never said what`s it about but 4 days now and NO REPLY

    I would been sacked by now for NOT DOING MY JOB
    15 Titles
    10 Runner-up
    5 Champions league
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    2 Runner-up
    1 Treble

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    just keep hitting the reject/no button. OK it might be tedious but it's not the hardest job in the world to keep saying no. Just 1 click.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I never add people in the same league as me during the season, only afterwards as I reckon it's potentially open to abuse. Just ignore it, no point wasting your time and effort on it. Sounds like it's just some mind games he's playing, let him mess around while you concentrate on winning matches.

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