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Thread: 1. How can I recognize good traineer if everybody cost 104 M? Why this stupid rule

  1. #11
    Addicted Philip L. Willis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Hong Kong
    Byte limit! what is this like 1970? The punch card got stuck in the reader? I can believe what I hear about the programmers at Nordeus.
    In football it is better to be Lucky than Good.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Philip L. Willis View Post
    Byte limit! what is this like 1970? The punch card got stuck in the reader? I can believe what I hear about the programmers at Nordeus.
    I didn't want to get too technical . Basically if they're using an SQL database there are a couple of types (well, maybe more) of number format you can define a column as. The basic type (which does date back at least 20 years) has a cap on the number of digits/bytes to save memory. And unless you define the column as "bigint" when you 1st create the table SQL defaults to the basic - as for most number field you don't need more than 9 digits.
    Cat Harrison likes this.

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