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Thread: Bye bye TOP11 and Nordeus

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Bye bye TOP11 and Nordeus

    Congratulations for your bull**** manager game.
    This is not reality
    You only want us to spend money buying tokens and
    then to compete a team with lower level and defeat and/or
    a team with a manager that is never present on the league or the cup etc

    You are lucky that some people still stay and play and thats why you
    dont care for this matters.
    Last year the same **** was happening and i send PMs to all of you <<admnins>>
    and i didnt get asingle reply

    I hope someday you understand that peoples money worths

  2. #2
    Addicted Philip L. Willis's Avatar
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    Hong Kong
    Bye now.
    Staggy Stagg likes this.
    In football it is better to be Lucky than Good.

  3. #3
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Northallerton, United Kingdom
    Welcome to our world !
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
    Level 131
    50 League
    8 Champions/Elite League
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    12 Cup

    1 Super Cup

    Top Eleven Forum Moderator

  4. #4
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by chris1966 View Post
    You only want us to spend money buying tokens and

    I too can think that about all my girlsfriends.... Nordeus is like a girlfriend?.... Nordeus is a gurl name?... hmmmm... mistery LOL

    Man, is alwaaays, what I say, everyone here have to found the form to play the game, his mode, his speed to play. Some people comes here and wants the league title now, today, in 5 minutes, others have more patience, others do other strategy...
    see how you can be happy playing the game if you like it without be abducted in time and stress for it.
    I tank, tank, and tank if I need and without spend now a penny I think I'm doing a great job, I'm happy with that, and the idea that I found my mode to play.
    Try to do the same. And thats not only for T11, for more things in the life.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Chris1966, your 2nd statement is correct. 'This is not reality'. Get a grip, it's a game you play to pass the time and have fun.
    Anna Martyniec likes this.

  6. #6
    Dreamer Mo Avengers's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    It's not real ???????? damn suppose I better take off Football manager on my job application lol chill young Chris my advice never spend ,money and start again at 1st level

    Ps my avatar picture is Rowland !!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #7
    Apprentice Anna Martyniec's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Chris1966, your frustration amazes me. You get a FREE game - and you expect it to be like a premium fully paid product.
    It's natural that whoever spends money on this, has some advantage, fully understandable from the point of view of people who made it for profit.
    Managers not showing up? Maybe they're working/sleeping at that moment and spending time on the game whenever they feel like it. Why should the victory depend on the manager's presence?
    Losing to weaker teams happens a lot and it's discussed here in great detail, there are other factors determining victory and maybe wrong tactics or distribution of player's skill points is the case here?
    If you need a game where you can always win, think of games where you play against AI - it's simply not possible for all human players to win simultaneously.
    Think of the game as what it really is - a free game where it's possible that you win and possible that you lose.
    I enjoy the game as it is, and it's a nice way to relax after work and bigger problems to worry about.
    Anyway, good luck and all the best to you!

  8. #8
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Everyday that is passing ...I'm more convinced that I am the most happy manager of Top Eleven of the world LOL ...and I really don't know why :3

  9. #9
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by chris1966 View Post
    Congratulations for your bull**** manager game.
    This is not reality
    You only want us to spend money buying tokens and
    then to compete a team with lower level and defeat and/or
    a team with a manager that is never present on the league or the cup etc

    You are lucky that some people still stay and play and thats why you
    dont care for this matters.
    Last year the same **** was happening and i send PMs to all of you <<admnins>>
    and i didnt get asingle reply

    I hope someday you understand that peoples money worths
    Dude is a computer game...Dont expect that if you buy thousands of tokens,you ll be the best,because you re wrong...Every game has bugs...Every manager from here have at least 1 defeat,its imposible not to lose at least 1 time...If you re not so good manager and spend many tokens for nothing,then try to watch tutorials on youtube,maybe helps...

  10. #10
    Addicted Philip L. Willis's Avatar
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    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by Mo Avengers View Post
    It's not real ???????? damn suppose I better take off Football manager on my job application lol chill young Chris my advice never spend ,money and start again at 1st level
    Yo MO! How do you power your PC/phone to get online to play T11 with chopped wood power?

    Hmmmm.... well.... the machines at the library is free..... hmmm ...yeah I guess your right. Never spend money...LOL.
    In football it is better to be Lucky than Good.

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