last 2 seasons as a level 20 team i`v been in a level 21 league and last season i won this level, now Nordeus have placed me in level 21 which i am very happy about and so far a start as i`m in the next round of the cup for the 1st time in 3 seasons
Cup - away 0-2 won
Cup - home 3- 2 won (5-3 agg)
Champions league - home 4-0 won
League - away 1-2 won ----------------- League - home 3-0 won
League - home 2-1 won ----------------- League - away 1-3 won
Cup 1st leg - away 1-1 drew ------------ Champions league K/o - home 0-2 lost ( out 2-1 agg )
Champions league - away 1-1 drew xxx
League away - 1-3 won ------------------ League - home 4-3 won
League - home 1-2 lost ------------------ League - away 0-2 won
Cup 2nd leg - home 2-3 lost ( out 4-3 agg )
Champions league -away 1-2 won xxxxx
League - away 2-4 won ------------------ League - home 3-1 won
League - home 0-0 drew ----------------- League - away 2-2 drew
Champions league - home 6-0 won xxxx
League - away 1-2 won ------------------ League - home 5-1 won
League - home 0-1 lost ------------------ League - away 0-0 drew
Champions league - away 1-2 won xxxx
League - away 1-0 lost ------------------- League - home 2-0 won
League - home 2-1 won ------------------ League - away 1-4 won
Champion league -home 5-0 won xxxxx
League -away 1-1 drew ------------------ League - home 3-1won
League - home 1-2 lost ------------------ League - away 0-2 won
League - away 0-5 won ------------------ League - home 4-0 won
Champions league k/o - away 0-1 won