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Thread: Best time to offer a new contract

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Best time to offer a new contract

    My players have one year left of their contracts. Will it cost me more to offer a new contract at the end of the season (i.e. i should offer new contracts now) or will it not matter when I offer a new contract (i.e. they want the same salary + sign-on bonus on day 3 as they want on day 26) ?

  2. #2
    VIP spornybol's Avatar
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    if your players have on yr left and you want to keep them resign now, also if player`s are two yr contract left save skill point`s and resign first day of new season as they will cost less to resign and when added the skill point`s you`v saved after they signed to 3 yr contract their value goes up
    QuocBao likes this.

  3. #3
    Famous Accyrover's Avatar
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    Pretty much spot on that 'spornbol' every skill point assigned increase the players value. unless they are at the top of the appropriate level values then their value gains are around 4-5 skill points to .02% market value.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    oh no! i was hoping that the contract offers were the same all throughout the season so i bought players with my cash instead lol.

    Btw, if i resign them in the beginning of the season; doesn't that mean that they will have 1+3 years left on the contract (1 year left before signing a new contract and then 3 new years)?

  5. #5
    VIP spornybol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hullabaloo View Post
    oh no! i was hoping that the contract offers were the same all throughout the season so i bought players with my cash instead lol.

    Btw, if i resign them in the beginning of the season; doesn't that mean that they will have 1+3 years left on the contract (1 year left before signing a new contract and then 3 new years)?
    no just goes to 3 yrs

  6. #6
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    if I give a new contract on the last day of the season, it will say that he player has 3 years left on his contract.
    But when the new season starts (i.e. day 1), will it go down automatically to 2 years?

  7. #7
    FCP is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by hullabaloo View Post
    if I give a new contract on the last day of the season, it will say that he player has 3 years left on his contract.
    But when the new season starts (i.e. day 1), will it go down automatically to 2 years?
    Yes it will drop down to 2 years.

  8. #8
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    best time is in the next season for exemple, if you are warned that a player is at the end of contract and he's contract will expire, don't worry he won't leave your club right after season is ended, he will appere for 1 more weak in your team with unsigned contract so thats the best time.

    by doing that he will have 3 years contract and you will need to pay less moneys too.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by PricopGeorgeCătălin View Post
    best time is in the next season for exemple, if you are warned that a player is at the end of contract and he's contract will expire, don't worry he won't leave your club right after season is ended, he will appere for 1 more weak in your team with unsigned contract so thats the best time.
    wow really?! You are not kidding me , right? He won't leave me team until after one week into the new season - despite his contract has already run out??

  10. #10
    Rookie mike1979's Avatar
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    i did not know also about that,and was alway mad about that,you have warning 1 year left contract then signed another one 3 years, but start another season and this player has 2 years contract lef

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