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Day 21 Update
Pete Cresswell did an interesting five season study on injuries in an earlier post (Thats an average of 18.5 injuries,86+ Intl days out per season) was part of his findings
injuries 22/9 5days,22/9 3days,23/9 4days, add 24/9 6days,25/9 5days,26/9 16days(GK)26/9 4days,28/9 6days,28/9 3days,29/9 2days,01/10 2days,02/10 3days,4/10 4days, 5/10 2days, 5/10 6days, 5/10 6days, 5/10 2days, 6/10 4days,9/10 6days,11/10 3days
ive amassed 92 initial days out already in twentyone days,thats 6days more than Pete's average findings per season,so lets see just how bad injuries have become lately? all input welcome