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Thread: My Free Kick Specialist lost the touch ...

  1. #21
    Apprentice LaKu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Athens, Greece, Greece
    I have a DML/DCM 7* with Free Kick SA, an AML/AMC 7* with Shadow Striker SA (also currently in training for AMR position as well so I can play him in the team alongside my 7* AML/ML). This setup will work amazingly for 4-5-1V witch is my favorite formation (alongside 4-4-2D). I really think that when I get these players trained for their extra positions my team will be unstoppable and I will get triple crown next season ^_^
    "Human relationships didn't work anyhow. Only the first two weeks had any zing, then the participants lost their interest. Masks dropped away and real people began to appear: cranks, imbeciles, the demented, the vengeful, sadists, killers. Modern society had created its own kind and they feasted on each other. It was a duel to the a cesspool."

  2. #22
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Jun 2014
    Northallerton, United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by LaKu View Post
    I have a DML/DCM 7* with Free Kick SA, an AML/AMC 7* with Shadow Striker SA (also currently in training for AMR position as well so I can play him in the team alongside my 7* AML/ML). This setup will work amazingly for 4-5-1V witch is my favorite formation (alongside 4-4-2D). I really think that when I get these players trained for their extra positions my team will be unstoppable and I will get triple crown next season ^_^
    Good luck. I'd be interested to know if you manage that. :-)
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