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Thread: Don't Sub at 1-0 Up

  1. #1
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Don't Sub at 1-0 Up

    In my last 2 home games I was leading 1-0 in an even contest. I made a sub (ST for ST) in around the 70th minute to try and seal the victory with a second goal yet to my irritation the opposition equalised in the same minute my sub came on. Then yesterday to my horror the opposition got a winner in the 90th minute. I lost both games 1-2. I'm top of my league and these defeats did not make sense as I had the majority of shots and chances whereas the opposition did nothing until 2 shots got them 2 goals in both games. What didn't make sense in this particular game was that they had one player who seemed to be involved in everything to stop me scoring, blocked shots, made tackles, scored twice, probably even rescued a baby from a burning building yet only got a 5 rating.
    A harsh lesson that this game is based on a variable and if you change something it will go against you it seems. I won't be making a sub ever again if I'm winning by 1 goal in a tight contest.
    Rant over.

    PS I won 3-2 away today so am happy again.
    Ami 47 likes this.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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  2. #2
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    Me also...I was leading 2-0 made change in 60th minute and lost 2-3...
    khris and dave1311 like this.

  3. #3
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Siddharth Shanker Singh View Post
    Me also...I was leading 2-0 made change in 60th minute and lost 2-3...
    I could not settle after that as I kept thinking I wished I hadn't made that substitution. Crazy !! My Wife thinks I'm nuts.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave1311 View Post
    I could not settle after that as I kept thinking I wished I hadn't made that substitution. Crazy !! My Wife thinks I'm nuts.
    Don't get that serious for a game bro......

  5. #5
    VIP Buffs Mad's Avatar
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    When its tight and you lead and the clock's ticking keep going with what got you there unless you have to change. Its much easier for me to get over losing because of something I didn't do than because of something I did do.

    PS. this made sense when I thought of it but whether it does now is debatable.

    PPS The wife is right.

  6. #6
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    Well yesterday i could not make a goal 60 vs 40 possession 25-14 in shots...
    So i change one 6 star MC for a 4 star MC 3 min after that change my other MC did a goal and 2 min after that the 4 star i subbed in did a goal and i won the game with 2-0

  7. #7
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Siddharth Shanker Singh View Post
    Me also...I was leading 2-0 made change in 60th minute and lost 2-3...
    thats what I call bad luck ehh ...¬¬'


  8. #8
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    "A harsh lesson that this game is based on a variable and if you change something it will go against you it seems."

    This ST you changed, have you seen his name during th match? did he shoot? faling? failing a foul? really would like to know a little bit more

    coz my form to manage say that "usually", not always, I have to do 2 subs' in 2nd half, of players that don't appear, or positions I feel that with a sub can play better... true is too that with 1-0 been a complicated match is not easy sometimes select who have to go at the end in these cases one have to have caution and remember too that every player have a position in what play better, maybe as ST in right better than centre or left so that count too... well I've seen that lol

    Today when I won 4-0 for example I was proving during match changes of positions... my MC Zé Roberto was playing as AMC, shooting and so... I changed this as MC left, and 1st minute, a yellow card, he become more aggressive, and started doing fofuls... so he went again to AMC and he did not participate more in defense... just saw De Boer all time saving and the DR and DL... Gallas did not appear in all match too...
    here one experience. lol

  9. #9
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khris View Post
    "A harsh lesson that this game is based on a variable and if you change something it will go against you it seems."

    This ST you changed, have you seen his name during th match? did he shoot? faling? failing a foul? really would like to know a little bit more

    coz my form to manage say that "usually", not always, I have to do 2 subs' in 2nd half, of players that don't appear, or positions I feel that with a sub can play better... true is too that with 1-0 been a complicated match is not easy sometimes select who have to go at the end in these cases one have to have caution and remember too that every player have a position in what play better, maybe as ST in right better than centre or left so that count too... well I've seen that lol

    Today when I won 4-0 for example I was proving during match changes of positions... my MC Zé Roberto was playing as AMC, shooting and so... I changed this as MC left, and 1st minute, a yellow card, he become more aggressive, and started doing fofuls... so he went again to AMC and he did not participate more in defense... just saw De Boer all time saving and the DR and DL... Gallas did not appear in all match too...
    here one experience. lol
    I saw his name early on but he was having a shocker and he missed a free kick wide and into the crowd from a dangerous area (he's a FK Specialist). I got annoyed with him and thought I'd give my back up super sub ST a chance to kill the game off.
    I usually only sub my ST if they are having a quiet game or I'm chasing an urgent goal.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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  10. #10
    Rookie Zan Barrage's Avatar
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    I won a tight game 1-0 in the last 5minutes and too your advice and didn't sub. Best advice. My ST was playing badly but he gave the assist for the winning goal. Some times you just have to accept that they are being marked well and you have to be patient to let the break free.
    Anna Martyniec and dave1311 like this.

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