Why the hell a good performing player becomes a SH*T after Training a Special Ability...And before some one comes and says that I am wrong...
I have seen this happening on many occasions with 100 % success, so I will not take that any of the wrong Bull Sh*t...
1) I had a MC who scored 10 Goals in 6 Games ( without any Free Kick or Penalty ) always getting 8 or 9 rating...I trained him Playmaker SA and he stopped scoring, getting 7 rating in the match...
2) I had a Striker who was scoring 1.5 Goals per match, trained him One on One Scorer and after that he stopped scoring at this rate...Missing all the One on One chances while earlier he scored on all the One on One chances...
3) I have a MC who was getting rating of 7, trained him Dribbler SA and now he is getting 5 rating in all the match...
4) I have a Striker who had scored 8 goals in 4 league matches always getting 7, 8, 9 rating, trained him One on One Scorer and how he is getting 6 rating...
What is this Horsesh*t...I want answers from any Developer who can explain me this SH*T...