Today's matches
League: So for some reason, this game was close. Managed to get away with the win to begin the season nicely. I think my formation in the beginning wasn't ideal, so I changed it a little bit and had better control over the match. Nonetheless I got the victory.
CL: Clear win. Schreyeck as usual is the one making the decisive passes. This guy is a real plus when paired with an other striker or even alone. Well done, lad.
Tomorrow's matches
League: Low Q opponent with a pretty open defense. Should be able to rack a good amount of goals.
Cup: Ok so this dude has high Q players. However they're all in the wrong position. I should have the advantage but I still need to be careful because, you know, Nordeus...
Also we have two new players
Both defenders. Japanese player T. Akahoshi and Spanish player D. Moreno. Welcome to the team, looking forward to see some exceptional performances on your side, guys.