Originally Posted by
David Grizzle
I do not quite understand this logic. It takes almost as much to give a SA as it does to add 5 points to their rating. The latter actually makes them worth more. You can sell a player at 6/7/8/9* they just would be sold to higher levels than your own. Though the cost it takes in green packs outweighs the jump in value if you pay tokens for them.
If it is just that it is difficult to sell players on your server then I understand. I have yet to have any such issue on my server, though I am low level and live in the US
I cannot stomach calling myself American, I am a leftist and was born into a right wing oligarchy that intentionally keeps their citizens ignorant and convinces them they have it great while being sh!+ on, My parents were stationed in Germany while she was pregnant with me and they got orders to return, the flight left 2 days before she would have been barred from flying, thus robbing me of dual citizenship, which I would love to use to leave this sh!+ hole, but in spite of the fact that during the reign of our one good president we saved Britain from certain defeat and liberated the whole of western Europe it is actually easy as can be for a Polish citizen to move to the UK but an American is pretty much f$@&ed unless wealthy...........end of unsolicited rant......