So how will they know your account is subscribed to youtube to get this prize???
I fell for the bait and clicked on the subscribe button on the bottom of the window in T11 and it took me to a youboob page and said to subscribe and then it asked me to sign in with my gmail account.
my gmail account is not connected to my facebook account in any way. That is how I created my T11 accounts initially, so they all sign in with my facebook account.
So unless I have to sign in to youboob with my facebook email address, how are they going to know that I subscribed?
If this is like the last prize, if I recall properly, then you just have to claim the gift in your gifts area within a certain time. If they get a certain amount of subscribers to youboob, then the gift is better.
So basically, you dont have to subscribe to get the gift.
Does this make sense or am I way off.