The most insaine league I've seen.
1 draw in so many games... almost unreal...
And that drawing result was 4-4.
League: Buffs FC win 7-0 but they fall short of the 9 target to get back on top - 2nd.
The Buffs were more successful in pushing up the injury tally racking up their 2nd and 3rd of the day.Henderson (MC) had been injured twice and sat on the bench so Lord Nordeus took his replacement instead on 23 mins and on Henderson went. Buffs Mad sweated as the crocked sign flashed up again 5 mins later but was 'relieved?' that it was only a DMC. But when you play 12th, 13th and 14th in quick succession those bottom feeders like to take a limb or 5.
Goals came from: Baxter, ML (3); Harper, ST (2); Gauld, MR and Morrison, MC.
After the match Buffs Mad said "Patch 'em up and push 'em on!"
So now the league is half done we should celebrate we're only 2 goals behind in 2nd rather than the usual 8 pts.
Top of the Glory Hunters (Goals/Assists) this Season is Harper, ST (29/20) followed by: Morrison, MC (16/13); Baxter, AML (13/3); Henderson, MC (13/2); and Gauld, AMR (12/14).
EDIT: News Just In!
As Buffs Mad stretched for the Medical Packs his PA thought he was falling so grabbed him by the shirt -> Broken Leg.
Last edited by Buffs Mad; 06-14-2015 at 10:45 PM.
Got trolled twice today.
Lost 3-0 in the CL in a game I wasn't able to attend - the opposition only had 3 shots to my 14, yet won 3-0!
Then in the top v 2nd game in the league I led 1-0, to be pulled back to 1-1, to lead 2-1 to concede in the 87th for 2-2 then in the 89th for 3-2, both goals coming from double corners!
In other news, I've decided to change tact now in my farming for video packs. For the past couple of seasons I've been watching video's for game cash. I now have around 8.3B in cash as a result. I feel that is more than enough, coupled with the new increased game prizes to keep me going for a while. With playing friendlies and other income I am bringing in more over a season than I am losing without watching video's for cash. As a result I'm now going to target watching videos for Green packs. I currently have around 85 of them - so I want to hopefully massively increase that in the next 3 months so I have thousands.
I'm on level 30, so got a fair bit to go until I hit the top of my server (I have seen level 34 teams in my negs list, but feel there are teams much higher on my server as it seems to be quite active team wise), but would like to have a huge stock pile of greens so I can power train a team of youngsters when I get to the top to be the best. I was originally going to use my saved tokens to buy green packs, but why bother if I can farm green packs now to also help me out when I get to the top too.
Mixed bag of a day as we picked up a win and a loss.
The victory was a 3:0 road feat in the champions league.
Loss was 3:2 to 2nd in the league, with us holding the tie-breaker on goal differential. I maxed all starters morale and condition in addition to the win bonus. Of the subs, one was full on both morale and condition and the other was in the great for both (both substitutions were in the 77th minute). Losses to happen, but I wonder if the game engine was programmed to favor my opponent here, since if I had won, i'd be 6 points clear at the midway point, instead of in first, solely on goal differential? From a financial perspective, its pretty clear what favors that slimy company, Nordeus!!!!
Last edited by pcmacdaniel; 06-14-2015 at 11:27 PM.
Expressed above is my own opinion. ☻ Your results may vary.
▬ ▬ ▬▬ ▬ ▬▬ ▬ >BvB< ▬ ▬▬ ▬ ▬▬ ▬ ▬
So as everyone has been pointing out, it's now the halfway point for the league.
My big goal this season was to win BlackKiwis first triple, and so far, so good. I currently lead the league (tied with 2nd but +1 up on goal difference). It's been a very grafting season so far. I've averaged 3.15 goals a game in my history, but this season I've only averaged 2.08. A remarkable difference really, because usually that would suggest a terrible season, but it shows the high quality opposition I've faced.
Into the CL, I won the first leg (home) 2-0. I feel a bit sorry for my opposition because he cleaned up in pool play, where as I struggled to 2nd place, and now he has to face a resurgent Blackkiwi team
The big obstacle for the triple is the Cup, which is not surprising. This is my opposition for the QF's.
His team has +7 quality on my team so it's a daunting task. However he has his DMR/DML players out of position so I feel I can sit deep and out-flank him on the counter attack with either 4-4-2 or 4-5V-1. If the team was closer in quality to mine I might try something else, but I feel I have to be fairly risky to have a chance at progressing through. Also I'm looking at putting hard tackles on, whilst playing defensively. The more I can disrupt his team (injuries), whilst hopefully forcing a few of his yellow cards to become reds for the return leg, the better chance I have!
Things I want to see improve in the 2nd half? More goals. That's basically it. My 5 rotating Defensive players are spectacular as usual, I'd just like a bit more upfront.
Fingers crossed the Triple dream can stay alive!
Last edited by Blackkiwi; 06-15-2015 at 01:09 AM.
"One day, in the not too distant future, something amazing will happen. Not just amazing, but spectacular!
And when this day happens, I will retire, and the world will celebrate long into the night" - Blackkiwi Manager speaking about his elusive Triple.