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Thread: Opinion On A Scout Player Needed

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Basically my rule with this is totally dependent on how desperate you are, how many tokens you can burn, and if you are okay with investing those tokens in a player with a maximum 2 year shelf life without massive training investment.

    You do not always have to get a 5* Nordgen either. It is value dependent. For level 2 you want a 5* Nordgen worth $3-4M but even if there are none that doesn't mean you are screwed. It just might mean more training.

    When the Nordgens come out sort by value rather than quality. If you are at level 2 then a 4* Nordgen (20-24Q) should be over $2M. I did this with a 24Q ST this season who had a 2.56M value. I tested him a couple times and then decided to invest the training in him. He will train from 4-5* a lot quicker than 5-6*. By the time that 2.5M 4* is up to 29Q his value is now at $3.7M......Exactly what you were looking for and you get two added advantages....

    One is that while he is a 4* you can give him a SA much quicker if you want to. The second is you get to put all of the 75 points for the extra star into the skills you want him to have rather than getting a player with 3 nearly equal values. For a ST this means that I got to ignore defense and put the whole 75 into Off/P+M, making him even better.

    Depending on available resources the same can be true of another drop down to a 3* Nordgen. Again based on his value, you would be looking for a player with over $1.25M value at 3*. This does take a lot of training but can be a godsend when you cannot find a position of need and it is a better investment than any scout.

    For me it isn't even a question as I am able to farm about 75-100 greens every 24 hours. Tokens are a lot harder to come by where I live than greens/reds. When you are at the lower levels you have very little competition for top value Nordgens. Most players don't know about them and are put off by the price tag. I have a LOT more trouble if I just want a random 4-5* reserve player who isn't expensive. That is when they want to get into bidding wars.

    95% of the Nordgens I buy (which is what I build my whole team around) come with a single token. The only times where more tokens were needed was to buy the cash, which rarely happens after season 1 as I am getting good resale value and fat competition prizes.

  2. #12
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Thanks for the reply Alexandre.
    I can't farm packs or tokens because of the region that I live. No surveys can be completed. I buy most of my tokens.
    I have bought the player; so far, no very good right winger has been listed on the market.

    I am having trouble finding a very good striker too, but the ones on the scouts list don't convince me. I have bought three 5 stars strikers this season. The first 2 seemed to be flops; so, I sold them. The 3rd one trains fast, but has not produce any outstanding performances so far; he has not scored enough goals in open play. He has missed quit some chances at goal during the past matches he played. Some of the goals that he managed to score was from the penalty spot. The profile of the player is below.

    Last edited by Tactician; 07-06-2015 at 07:57 AM.

  3. #13
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    The profiles for the other two strikers that flopped are found below. I have already sold them.

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