The only free agent I ever found who wasn't to retire was in Level 2 I guess... Lost the auction. Who do you guys get so many?
BTW some retiring FAs aren't total junk... A good example would be last season's AML and shadow striker Marcío Franco, who retired with 20 goals in 17 games, and a record-breaking 6 goals in a game.
Last edited by Arion; 12-23-2015 at 09:41 AM.
AH AH — manager of Atlético Kolkata. Named in honour of my hometown club, Atlético de Kolkata, which won the inaugural edition of Indian Super League in 2014.
A good defence is the best offense.
I see the occasional FA in both my teams' TM - where they come from I don't know, there should be no FA's about since the change to selling unwanted/unsellable players to agent rather than sacking them.
Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...