I have read about this problem, ever since 2013, and now 2 years later, it's still here.
The issue is, quite popular, losing against weaker team, i supposed it would be like this (to make addicted players pay money), but in 5+ season, NOT now when i'm at level 1 (created my career in 28th day of August)
My team has 2 6 star players, 6 players with 5 star, the rest are 4 stars, and i keep losing to teams with 3, 4 star players, no matter what tactics i used, no matter if it's home or away match.
I read almost every guide in this forum, i tried to apply, i spent a lot of time on this game, studying it, but the results were unbelievable.
Players condition is always 90%+, morale is superb (i used packs to boost).
And the worst thing is: I'm the only active guy in my league, all of them have quit (evidence: they never accept my friend request and their last 5 matches have the same results with their last 5 league matches (which means they never play friendly - what kind of active player who never arrange any friendly match?)
What on the world is the reason that i keep losing to those guys?
One more thing, my opponents always make a lot of fouls and sometimes i lost to 10-man teams, so i must play dirty to win? Is it what you suggest me to do the Game Developer?
Is it just me or anyone who spend a lot of time in this game have the same prob? Is it common sense to lose a lot in the first season given that your team is much better than others' in the same league. Is it true that "spending a lot of time will only result in a need for spending some money? (because they know we're addicted, and they make us lost to incentive buying token)