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Thread: Season 71. Injury statistics.

  1. #1
    Apprentice La Morralla FS's Avatar
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    May 2015

    Season 71. Injury statistics. Update until day 16.

    Since this new season started, I've had more injured players than ever since I've been playing for days it takes.

    I would like to invite all managers to share this statistics.

    Team 1. La Morralla FS:

    4 days injuries: 2
    5 days injuries: 2
    6 days injuries: 2

    Total, 6 injuries in 23 days, 0,26 % injuries/day. 30 days total.

    Team 2. Jose FC

    2 days injuries: 1
    3 days injuries: 4
    4 days injuries: 4 <- Update Again!
    5 days injuries: 1
    6 days injuries: 3
    8 days injuries: 1

    Total, 14 injuries in 24 days, 0,60 % injuries/day. 61 days total.

    Team 3. Viva Satan

    2 days injuries: 2
    3 days injuries: 1
    4 days injuries: 4 <-Update
    5 days injuries: 2
    6 days injuries: 3

    Total, 12 injuries in 23 days, 0,52 % injuries/day. 51 days total

    2 DIAS...........3..........11%
    3 DIAS...........5..........19%
    4 DIAS...........5..........19%
    5 DIAS...........5..........19%
    6 DIAS...........8..........30%
    8 DIAS...........1..........04%

  2. #2
    Apprentice legendqueen's Avatar
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    I've bought 5 33 YO players and trained them like hell, then they got injuried, then my core team will get away from injuries since whenever it reaches a number of injuries in your squad, it would stop.

  3. #3
    Dreamer Sons of Pitches's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by La Morralla FS View Post
    Since this new season started, I've had more injured players than ever since I've been playing for days it takes.

    I would like to invite all managers to share this statistics.

    Team 1. La Morralla FS:

    5 days injuries: 1
    6 days injuries: 1

    Team 2. Jose FC

    2 days injuries: 1
    3 days injuries: 1
    6 days injuries: 2

    Team 3. Viva Satan

    2 days injuries: 1
    3 days injuries: 1
    6 days injuries: 3 <- Update

    *** I'm not counting injuries of sold players in first days, the number is higher than this***


    Injuries total: 10

    2 days injurie: 2 / 20%
    3 days injurie: 1 / 10%
    5 days injurie: 1 / 10%
    6 days injurie: 6 / 60%

    New changes in script without advice like the last or coincidence the main injurie is 6 days?

    Please be free to write about this.
    I haven't had as many. Perhaps you're hard tackling a more superior team? Or maybe you need to upgrade your pitch?

  4. #4
    Apprentice La Morralla FS's Avatar
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    At least 2 or 3 occurs in training.

    I'm playing mixing high and low preasure, not the same all time.

    Probably the pitch has influence too, in one match my two wingers AML/AMR) felt injured for 6 days (bomb camp???? ).

  5. #5
    VIP talisman's Avatar
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    At this stage of the season, if the team is playing two matches a day or at least three matches every two days, all the team gets match practice in and I don't bother with training. Exprience tells me that with that much match action, if they're not injured during the game then they'll get crocked in training.

    Later on, when the League is the only action the team is getting, the squad is thinned out and of the remaining players, only those who didn't start get trained.
    Last edited by talisman; 09-27-2015 at 09:24 AM.
    HoofDaddy likes this.
    Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...

  6. #6

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Apprentice La Morralla FS's Avatar
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    Update until day 23 complete.

    Better numbers since second week, the first was criminal!!!

  9. #9
    VIP talisman's Avatar
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    Clevedon, UK
    Palace teams injury stats, season 71...

    Palace Casuals (L26): Matches played - 34; Injuries - 9; Days - 31 (last season - 36/15/66).
    Palace Terriers (L4): Matches played - 32; Injuries - 7; Days - 27 (last season - 47/8/36).
    Desert Rats FC (L3): Matches played - 42; Injuries - 13; Days - 52 (last season - 39/7/29).
    Any formation or tactics advice given is based purely on experience with my teams...