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Thread: video rewards uk VS dutch rewards

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    video rewards uk VS dutch rewards

    I spend three days in the uk and there is a massive difference in rewards. Here in holland i get 4/5 rewards a day for the money/morale/health pack videos and in england i got 22/25 a day and on top of that there was a massive amount of free tokens to ben earned bij fullfilling stuff which in comparison here isnt even 1/5 of that.

    Is there a way in tricking top eleven that it thinks im in england? I have a few british friends in my list and now i understand why their money flow is rising so gradually. Theren not buying tokens/money aswell and i've managed to add a whopping 44,5 million to my finances in one day just by 'whatching' videos. This really gives a huge disadvantage seeing as it makes a big difference on your bank account... 4,5 million or 45 million a day...

  2. #2
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Hey Remko is true what you are saying but I am sorry to say that I will have to close your thread because what you are looking for is an exploit and we don't promote this here.

    It can be even worst trust me, in Romania I have a video per day and to make it worst is from Metin2

    What you want can result in a permanent ban ingame, good luck and stay safe!
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