i have a giftcard for facebook credits, but where do i enter the code?
i have a giftcard for facebook credits, but where do i enter the code?
anyone? i cant find it
you can enter it to my private message and will try to figure it out and help you .
No, please do not do that.
@sports_fan: here is information on Facebook credits: https://www.facebook.com/credits/
ok, i have redeemed them now how do i get those credits into getting tokens
ah got it, now i have 400 tokens, whats the best way to use them? (i have 1.7m) so maybe stadium ?
i would use them for some strippers for my team, but this feauture is not in game yeat : ( but you can still buy a scout and renamed him as pamela anderson or any other chick as i did : )
No NEVER spend tokens on stadium, buy scouts. Also you don't have to use them all at once, so you could buy some scouts this season and some the next, I'd maybe trade in 25T in for a little in game $ at this stage to bring in the transfer funds needed to buy these scouts, look to buy players with quality that ends 4 or 9, and also aged 22-24, these players last the longest in your team.
Last edited by July Fourth; 03-13-2013 at 01:11 PM.
*Retired From Top Eleven*
Just don't bother about the wages, you are not running a club for real dude.
Oh yah, the bank in T11 won't go after you like whats happening in real life![]()
Started 21/02/13
Team: (Kashiwa Washi) (柏イーグル) (คะชิวะนกอินทรี) (柏市鹰)
Current Season / Level: 3
Season 1 / Level 1
league champion
Season 2 / Level 2
League champion Undefeated GA = 1
Champions League Undefeated GA = 0
Cup Champions
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