A very busy day for me today, as I went for an almost complete overall of my team, with some power training to every player.
Only Dragnev, Cosic, Siewe, Foster, Anderson and Sawal remain from last season, with everyone else sold and replaced by new players.
As always Foster was power trained right to the top of 9 star, so one MOM more and he will be at 10 star quality.
Cosic and Sawal were both power trained to 7 star, with Dragnev and Anderson both power trained to 8 star. Siewe, who was just a MC prior to this season was trained in both the ML and MR positions, whilst also being power trained to 7 star.
Ohayon was brought in as a new keeper and power trained to 7 star.
Dobre, Larraburu, Arias and Hurtado were all brought in and learnt a new position to go along with the current defensive position they already knew to give plenty of options. All players were power trained up to 7 star.
Wheeler and Corral were then bought and also taught second positions and then power trained to 8 star.
In Midfield Vera and Yoon were brought in and power trained to 7 star.
Minorelli, Gomes and Pilon were all brought in and were each trained two new positions so that they covered the midfield 3 spots of ML, MC and MR. They were then power trained all the way up to 8 star.
Finally, to secure the strike force Eastwood was brought in to give options across the AMC R/L line. He learnt the AMR role to give more balance to the entire team then power trained to 7 star. Pederson was then added to the team as the final Striker and he too was power trained to 7 star.
As a result my current team looks like this -
All the players brought in today have been scouts, apart from Pilon and Hurtado, so there are plenty of special abilities in the team, as everyone else has one. Unless a simply superb player becomes available by scout or by the recommended player than that is my team sorted, not just for this season, but for the next couple.
A hell of a lot of power training today, which has taken nearly 6 hours to complete. It’s now a case of going back to farming Green packs for the rest of the season so we have some ready to top up when this current team needs replacing.
Very happy with the amount of cover. Giving the Midfield players multiple options for position means I shouldn’t be worried about having to play awkward formations. Only Sawal plays in one position, but he will be a back up player this season. He wasn’t given new positions due to very poor training speeds, but due to his brilliant performances for me last season I felt he was worth keeping around and putting up to 7 star.