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Thread: where are all the decent scouts

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    I buy new scouts every season (+always go for top recommended players, but got offered goalie four times in a row...) and the good ones tend to show up as a replacement for the first picks - so it is a bit costlier to fill up the squad with meaningful players (I would not buy defenders with PK SA...)

    And I always power train fast nordgens for STs with one-on-one + defenders with wall and heading SA - almost impossible to get a decent scouts with these SAs.

    It is also very good to see what the principle skills for the player with particular SA are - I would not recommend to buy shadow striker with low finishing and shooting skills (sure you can now train that but its costly).

  2. #12
    Famous Arion's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Bunzo View Post
    I totally agree with Dave,
    Every recommended player I´ve taken for any of my teams have been outstanding…well worth the 79-109 token price.
    & fast trainers like Nordgens as well
    But they're always ST
    My recommended player (st) has more goals than games played
    AH AH — manager of Atlético Kolkata. Named in honour of my hometown club, Atlético de Kolkata, which won the inaugural edition of Indian Super League in 2014.

    A good defence is the best offense.

  3. #13
    Apprentice Joseph Sjarifudin's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2015
    My lovely scout, play at AMR position and also FK taker
    where are all the decent scouts-andrew-masson.jpg

    My lovely recommended player, play at AML position and also PK taker
    where are all the decent scouts-andre-kraupl.jpg

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