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Thread: New function earning tokens

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    New function earning tokens

    Not that earning tokens is new but now there is a way to earn tokens watching video like you can do for earning green and blue packs.

    This is the functiion

    This is new for the game

    New function earning tokens-31-03-2016-03-31-28.png

    link is working and this appear
    New function earning tokens-31-03-2016-03-57-45.png

    did not noticed if it got me a token.

    As far as i can see you have to watch multiple video's to get tokens...

    so the function dissappeared after the first video. Within a few hours there was the function again so watched the second video for 4 minutes

    New function earning tokens-31-03-2016-11-37-21.jpg

    so the video finished and i wanted to close the player... this was the response

    New function earning tokens-31-03-2016-11-41-23.png

    so as in the kitchen i let it take some time after 20 minutes i closed the advertisement.

    But NO tokens were giving so far....??

    Anyone else having the same?
    Last edited by Sweed Mind; 03-31-2016 at 10:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    It does not work for me either. I have tried two times, and despite watching the whole video, the offer does not seem to complete. The display of such offers seems more likely a bug, as those offers are usually not available in some regions and they don't appear.
    Last edited by Tactician; 03-31-2016 at 11:34 PM.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    yes for show how many % i earn.... after 2 or 3 video...which is over 100%...will earn 1 token...but is not working no matter what....and it still keep coming up....which i hate it....same as the sign up things and install things which never works~

  4. #4
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Ahlony Wong View Post
    yes for show how many % i earn.... after 2 or 3 video...which is over 100%...will earn 1 token...but is not working no matter what....and it still keep coming up....which i hate it....same as the sign up things and install things which never works~
    All the videos from the top right advert seems to be from youtube; so it is likely that AdSense is involved.

    Those that require to install things for 'free' are likely not worth it as some might contain some malware. Those that require credit card information are risky too, and some of them might require manual opting out else their system might automatically promote you to a 'premier' user and take money out of your credit card account. Also, installing and uninstalling a lot of apps. may have negative effects on your PC's performance later. If someone does this, he is simply sacrificing the good state of his PC for a few tokens. The same thing applies to mobile phones. Take into consideration that there must be some way for those that provide those offers to make some profit, else they would not have provided such services.

    As for the play a game and reach a certain level or points offers, for many of what seemed simple browser games, the levels or points required seemed impossible to attain. For the multi-player online games (MMORPG), the levels required seemed attainable after a few days to a few weeks of playing, but I have completed one of those requirements for a game last year and did not receive any tokens. Also, these games are likely to be addictive or traps. So, briefly, you are more likely to waste a lot of time and effort on these, and also might fall in their trap. If you want tokens, better buy them straight from the 'BUY TOKENS' option found on the right of the page of the browser version of the game.
    Last edited by Tactician; 04-01-2016 at 07:17 AM.
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