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It seems that this was intentionally done as some users have reported this observation.
Possible explanations are as follows.
(1) It was done on purpose to increase the amount of tokens spent globally (for instance, increase in panic, more rush, more bidding wars, more need to use the scout's list and/or the negociations' list, and so on, as many users that depended on first day 5-star 'nordgens' failed to get those).
(2) It was done on purpose to make the task of users who manipulated the Cup draw more difficul
The first possibility seems more likely the reason.
Also, this could have been set to occur on day 1 only for specific levels, as last season, I have observed that there is a sort of trend in the quality of 'nordgens' that appeared for each day of a week; for instance, it seems that on a particular day, say for 3 consecutive levels, 1 level got at max. 5-stars 'nordgens', the other got 3 and 4-star 'nordgens and one got at max. 3-star 'nordgens', and on another day, the situations reversed. So, for those that did not get any 5-star 'nordgens' today, they might get them tomorrow or the day after, while those who got them today, won't get them tomorrow or the day after.
One thing is sure though, if this going to be like this, then they have made it more difficult for users to keep up with the need to increase the quality of their teams. This could result in the loss of many users, as with time, they will no longer be able to compete with others in the transfer market due to token and/or virtual money limitation. I, myself, I had a hard time today to get at least some of the players that I need for this season. I would like to add that the ways things have gone (not only this year, but last year also), it has become more difficult to built a personalised team of fast-trainers only as compared to when I started playing this game; there are too many limitations, like lack of players having a specific starting position and/or starting attributes, lack of 5-star fast trainers and so on.