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Thread: 4-3-2-1 - Striker not scoring.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    I guess it's the formation, and the AMs are shooting and not crossing.

    Out of the 17 goals I got today he got 3, which is better than before. I took off the up arrow as someone else has suggested, it seems to make him a [I]little[I] more prolific. I'll have a look at making him a specialist in something once he hits 7 stars, maybe one of the finishing disciplines as my top scorer is a free kick taker.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    One good answer to this question is: if a team is instructed to play through the flanks, then it is likely that the players on the flanks will be more active. That is a possible reason why wingers score more goals than strikers in wing formations like 4-5-1(V).
    Well, I was expecting them to be putting it on a plate for him and not actually coming in from the wings to score tbh. But I don't always play through the flanks, only if the opposing team is playing 3 central defenders, or a generally very narrow style. Otherwise I'll play mixed, or possibly down the middle depending.

  2. #12
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arion View Post
    But then, we expect the wingers to cross it in. But again AMs shoot more often than pass it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew Nifield View Post
    I guess it's the formation, and the AMs are shooting and not crossing.

    Out of the 17 goals I got today he got 3, which is better than before. I took off the up arrow as someone else has suggested, it seems to make him a [I]little[I] more prolific. I'll have a look at making him a specialist in something once he hits 7 stars, maybe one of the finishing disciplines as my top scorer is a free kick taker.

    Well, I was expecting them to be putting it on a plate for him and not actually coming in from the wings to score tbh. But I don't always play through the flanks, only if the opposing team is playing 3 central defenders, or a generally very narrow style. Otherwise I'll play mixed, or possibly down the middle depending.
    They will only put it on the plate for him if he is free or has space to exploit in the middle or if he can free himself from the markers. If you want to play the cross and score type of play, you must play formations that have DL, DR, ML and MR, for example, 4-4-2 and 4-5-1. You can still play the cross and score type of play, though to a lesser extent if you have DL and DR only, but then, you must instruct them to attack (red arrows). Passing instructions is also important; more likely it should not be long.

    Take into consideration that 4-3N-2W-1 is not 4-5-1(V). I have enough experience with 4-3N-2W-1. It is one of the formations that I wanted to make as my main formations but it did not work like I wanted so far. And yes, like you said, you expect the wingers to go and cross, but this game lacks individual instructions. Else, you would have instructed your wingers to run on the wing and try to cross. It seems that what is in the game as default for wingers is to run on the wing, go inside and shoot.
    Last edited by Tactician; 04-17-2016 at 06:19 AM.
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  3. #13
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    I have started bringing in another striker, although his stats are pretty much all worse - he is scoring more for the moment (104% vs 117%)

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